~Chapter 14~ OMG I love you

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It's been one week now since daddy and Grace broke up and she told him the reason why she cheated on him was that she felt alone and unloved as he was never there and she miscarried daddy's baby that she had in her shitty belly. Daddy was sad of course but he had to deal with it just like he did with all the shits he's been handling in his life. But I noticed he's being a bit happier each day and I know the reason why. The suprise granny planned us was mommy coming here and spending the night in here. I don't know if anything happened between her and daddy but Alaina told me she heard them talk and laugh in daddy's bedroom.

Today is sunday so no work for daddy and Nate and no school for Alaina, Whitney and I. Daddy dropped mommy back to her house early in the morning. They thought we didn't know mommy slept here last night. Daddy and uncle Nate were talking about daddy's new album on the couch while Whitney and I walked downstairs for breakfast. It was 11:00 am. Alaina went shopping with her friends.

Four hours later...

Nathan left to his girlfriend's house and daddy was at the studio. While Whitney and I spent our whole afternoon watching shows and eating Skittles.

[Kim's P.O.V.]

I was sat at my table, checking the charges when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and a smile immediatly showed up on my face when I saw Marshall's name on it. I feel like he changed alot, in a great way. I opened the text and it said: "heya, wanna go for a drink in 10 minutes?" Of course I wanted! I jumped into a near-body top and a skinny jeans then I grabbed my jacket and keys and drove to Marshall's studio.

A few minutes later...

I arrived at the studio. I saw Marshall from the exit signaling me to come in his car then I got out of my car and walked to his. We both sat in and he sighed happily.

"Sup?" He said as he tried to start a conversation.

"Nothing really... You?" I said as I looked at him.

There was like a sexual tension between us and I think we both felt it. We just didn't know how to handle it.

"Same." He looked at me.

Without even thinking, I crushed my lips into his. I just needed and wanted it.

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