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They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you...
~Julia Micheals

I pulled up to Lani's shop, after I found out where it was. She must think I'm one of these bum ass nigga's. I don't even know why I'm acting like this she not even my girl yet I thought to myself as I walked into the shop.

"Can I help you, the receptionist" asks looking mad thirsty.

"Umm sir you can't just go in wit-"  she tried to say but got cut off while I walked into the main shop area.

I saw Lelani standing there smiling at her phone.

"Lelani stop playing with me" I yelled at her grabbing her phone out her hand.

"Can I get my phone back bruh" she said looking at me annoyed.

"Aight bruh take ya shit I'm out don't call me or nun of that". I slammed her phone on the counter pretty sure that it cracked.

I don't even know why I acted like that she's not my girl I thought.

But you wanted her to be.

Yea maybe I did but every female is the same.

And to make this shit worse, DTB 4 life by Aboogie came on the radio.

I drove home gripping the steering wheel and my jaw clenched the whole way.

This was supposed to be part of the last chapter.
I didn't realize until after I published it.
Hence the whole .5
Here you go🤗

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