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Nobody P. O. V.
    Beam is here in the cemetery. He is crying in front of the graves of his parents. He is cursing himself and his life. He was submitted two years before his body to Forth. Infact , Forth forced Beam to sleep with him. He is blackmailing him till now.

Forth P. O. V.
     I'm pissed off. Where is that brunette Beam??? He should be here. It is early in the morning but he is not home.
  Driver, bring the car now.... Forth is angry. He is calling Beam but there is no answer.
  Car stopped at the graveyard. Forth saw Beam and calling him from far away.

Beam saw the phone now and got pannic. He picked up the phone and say hello Mr Forth.. When you returned from the trip????!!!!!!
Give a weak nervous smile .

Where are you Beam?? I want to see you soon when I reach home. Be prepared for my welcome. I'm missing you dear. I'm here early for you only. So let's meet up.. Hmmm??

Beam is now  so much scared. He feared Forth the most. He just said yes and cut the call. He hurried to home.

Forth saw.... Beam went .
He said to his Driver to go home directly. Forth just smarked.

The driver was upset with Forth for treating Beam so badly though he admires Forth very much. Just don't understand why Forth tortures Beam.

He just look at Forth and sighed heavily. Then they drive for home .

 Then they drive for home

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Gift for Beam... A huge teddy bear

Forth reached home and went upstairs to meet Beam. Beam was standing there, waiting for Forth. Forth just grab Beam's waist and make him sit-down on his lap. Beam is feeling uncomfortable in Forth's lap though it is not the first time. Forth is hugging Beam like a possessive boyfriend. Forth gave a huge teady bear to Beam. It's your gift baby. Beam received it unwantedly.

Forth saw some old letters and get angry immediately. He slapped Beam so hard that, Beam fell from the bed.

You..... You want to ruin everything, Beam. I hope that , you changed but I'm wrong. You are giving me more reasons to hurt you and that rotten guy. He will pay for your sins.

No... no....Forth.. Pl.. ease....
Listen to me. Let me explain. Please don't hurt him. Please Forth, I'm begging you. Please......

Forth just got out of the room but Beam back hugged him. Forth stopped there. Beam said, he was sorry for making him angry and he will do everything to make it up. Then Forth carried Beam back to the room and pinned him down in the bed with hovering over him. Forth ripped all the clothes off from Beam and stairing . Beam scared so much that he closed his eyes and shivering .

Forth went off from Beam and get away from the room by closing the door so hard.

Beam was crying... So hard... Why on the earth this is happening with him. What did he do wrong. God help me.

Please let me know what you think about the story???? Please... Thank you. 🙏

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