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Beam was in his office doing work. Suddenly he felt pain in his head and collapsed there. Jimmy saw Beam and took him to the hospital immediately.

How's Beam doctor????
He is ok but his mental condition is very bad. He has depression. Please make him happy and worryfree . He needs to stay in the hospital for 24hours observation.

Forth got home early and there was no sign of Beam. He get annoyed.
He is waiting for him now.

Phone is ringing.......
Hello said the maid.

Is this Beam's home????

Yeah, but who are you?

I'm his Colleague.He collapsed in the office and now is in the hospital.

Hospital!!!!!!?????? Forth get panic. What happened to Beam? Is he okay? Which hospital??
Forth hurried to the hospital.

Beam is lying in bed with a pale face.
He looks tired. He is totally suffering. Forth want to touch his face but.... He withdraw his hand. He feels pain to see Beam in this situation but doesn't admit that. He just want Beam to suffer. But actually he is suffering in between his mind and heart.

Beam opened his eyes and saw Forth. He flinched and made a disgusting face. He doesn't want to see Forth right now. He is the one who made his life a living hell.

Forth left without saying anything to Beam.

Beam was thinking, is Forth ok?? He even visited him in the hospital. He seems worried for him. Stop it Beam, don't think rubbish. Forth would not be doing that for you. It's another trap of him. Don't get in to it. Forth will not care for you, he only want you to suffer.

Hey Beam.... How are you??? What are you thinking??? All okay?
I bring snacks for you. Come on now eat with me. You should be happy and cheerful. You are a young charming boy.... Let's have a good time together. I'm so happy that you are my friend.

Beam smiles....and thinks , Jimmy is right.
He should really be happy but it's not possible... Forth will not allow him to be... His face becomes sad again. 😞

Thank you...... Comment please... Let me know how you feel??? I will try to improve...

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