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Beam discharged from the hospital and now he is at Forth's house . But Forth isn't there, so he can relax. His uncle visited him in the hospital, so Beam want to go to his house. This is the right time to go there in the absence of Forth.

Beam glad to see his uncle and his family. His uncle is very much happy to see him there. He even is crying right now in happiness to see Beam is okay. He loves Beam as his own son. His daughter loves Beam as his real brother. Beam has no one except his uncle's family. His aunt has a weakness towards money. He loves Beam but comparison to money not that much. She loves money more than anything. He saw the necklace of Beam and started to prasing his necklace. Actually she wanted that necklace. But Beam can't give it to her because it's a gift from Forth. If he knows about it, he must be angry. So Beam just ignored her. They were just in the middle of eating when the door bell ranged. His aunt opened the door and asked the man in front of the door.... What do you want????

Beam was a bit worried because it's been a long time, he was away from home (the so called Forth's home).
Meanwhile his aunt welcomed the guest to their house. The man said Hello everyone .

The familiar voice surprised both Beam n his uncle. They have the face like nobody can read what they're thinking. Suddenly Beam got up and greeted Forth with a fake smile because he didn't want to create a scene there. Forth asked Beam weather his dinner was finished or not, if yes then they should leave for home. Beam agreed imidiately and pulled Forth to outside hurriedly. Forth smarked at Beam's nervousness.

He knew Beam was scared. Without any conversation they reached at home. Forth was angry so was Beam. Forth dragged Beam to his room and threw him on the bed. Beam was angry and also scared . He was laying on the bed helplessly,,, didn't know what gonna happen to him next because Forth was unpredictable. Forth was yelling at Beam nonstop... For not informing him about his going to uncle's house. He didn't allow Beam to go anywhere else except his School. So it's his fault that he ignored his command.

He then rushed out from the room and said to the maid that... She should not gave any food to Beam and kept an eye so that Beam couldn't go anywhere else. The maid felt sorry for Beam but couldn't do anything for him. She came to Beam and told him not to think much because Forth will change someday, he is not a bad person. With Beam only, he was like that. Beam cried a lot and cursed his illfate.

Next day at school Jimmy welcomed Beam with a bright smile. He offered him a lunch date which made Beam chuckled. Although he had a good feeling towards this friend but he couldn't go with him for lunch and couldn't tell his difficulties also. So he just denied by making up a lie that he had other plans. But his principal gathered everyone and declared that he will give a lunch treat. With so much hesitation Beam went to the restaurant with his staffs.

Forth was disturbed from yesterday. He was angry with Beam and couldn't do anything about it. He want to hurt Beam but couldn't do so. His pain, suffering made Forth go crazy. He wanted revenge but didn't know how!!!!!!!!! This is really frustrating.

He had already done so much work to distract himself. But it couldn't help either. His mind is full of Beam's thoughts. His PA reminded him of a meeting with a client from China. He went to meet him. It was a big deal to sign with him. He composed himself and went.

At the restaurant, all staff members were having a fight over ordering food but Beam was sitting silent. Jimmy went to him and put his hand on Beam's shoulder. Beam wake up from his thoughts. Jimmy asked him if he is ok because he had a plan earlier. Beam smiled and said he'll later do it. Then Jimmy started telling jokes to make Beam laugh and made his mood lighter. They were talking and laughing together when Beam felt a hot gaze of a certain Man which made him flinch.......

Forth was looking at him with a unreadable expression......Beam knew something big was going to be happen.

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