Sophie POV

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As me and Fitz were talking and I finished up the last few bites of my food, someone knocked on the door before entering. Mr. Forkle and Squall, or Juline, entered the room. They were both holding some sort of basket, but Sophie couldn't see what was inside.

"Hello Miss Foster." Mr. Forkle said.

"You know you can just call me Sophie, right?" I asked, not liking the formality.

"Sure, but I need to talk to you about your mission, that is if your up to it." Mr. Forkle said, handing the basket to Squall.

"Um sure?" I said, a little unsure about it.

"If your not ready yet sweetie, you don't have to." Squall said.

"No, its ok. I'd rather just get part of this over than wait longer."

Fitz gave my hand a soft reassuring squeeze before slowly getting off the cot, and this time I let him.

"Mr. Vacker, your welcome to stay. I think having more than one opinion on what happened would be better."

"But I wasn't even there during the attack." Fitz said, a little guilt coming through his voice.

"And neither was I and yet I could of been the one to give Sophie the message and maybe things would have been different, but theres no reason to worry about what could of happened, just focus on the present an whats to come." Mr. Forkle directed his attention to Fitz when saying this, but I think it helped both of us.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"About what really happened that night Sophie, and how we will continue your mission." Squall said.

"Alright, well, I want to be able to complete my part the second I can and all that happened was the Neverseen burned my house, crept up behind be, and we fought. I got some cuts and so did they." I said not wanting to go into detail.

"Sophie, we need actual detail. The information you tell us now will help us choose how to respond and if we need to make any future plans." Mr Forkle said.

I sighed, and small images of what happened came into my mind.

"Could I just show you instead of tell you? If I tell you the scenes of what happened might stay longer and I would rather just go through it again once." I said.

"Then I want to see as well." Fitz said, getting up slightly from his seat.

"There is no need for you to watch it, I just need to know what happened for plans to help Sophie and make some needed adjustments to her security." Mr. Forkle said, looking into the shadows in hope to spot one of my body guards.

It was then when I realized I hadn't actually seen any of my body guards in a long time.

"I may not have a need to watch the memories, but as her cognate and friend I want to be able to help her get through it." Fitz said, his eyes landing on my mine I gave him a small approving smile.

Mr. Forkle sighed, before adding, "Alright, you may look at the memory. But once the memory starts, you are not allowed to exit."

"I promise that I will stay to the end."

Both Mr. Forkle and Fitz came up to different sides of my cot, and it felt a little weird.

"Well, you both are able to get in my head, and I give you permission, so feel free to start anytime." I said.

They both placed their hands on my temples and I could feel their presence.

(Mr. Forkle will be underlined in this chapter.)

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