Sophie POV

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About a week has pasted since Tam removed my echo. In all honestly, I love not having the echo around. It feels like one burden has been lifted off my chest. Something that I always have to think about I now don't have to. I did feel bad about it though. Fitz wanted to try and get his echo removed eventually, but because his is in his heart, none of us want to try the same thing that Tam did for me.

Fitz comes by as much as he can to keep me company. He helps me take my mind off of everything bad and just focus on us. The good things. He's even brought in his homework and just silently worked next to me so I wouldn't feel lonely.

During the week me, Grady and Edaline were able to convince Sandor to come back. It was harder than the first time I had to convince him, but after a bunch of reasoning, promises, and trust, Sandor said he would continue to be my bodyguard as long as all my other bodyguards came back.

With resting, taking my medicine and slowly working on regaining my strength, Elwin got me pair of crutches to move around on. I was so excited! Now, I could move around all I wanted and I didn't need another person there with me.

Mr. Forkle also gave me the homework that I had missed out on over the past 2 months to let me start catching up. I tried to do as much as I could everyday, and Elwin threaten to take it away because I had tried to stay up all night to finish some more homework. 

Even through all of that, I was able to find some time to read some more of Rohan's book. Every time Rohan got close to accomplishing something, it seemed like the universe decided to twist things up and bring a downfall to it.

I was almost half way done with the book, and Elwin wasn't kidding when he said that it was hard to read. His pages are filled with hardships and emotion. You can tell he really tries when he's writing in his journal. (Clears throat)

I'm currently eating breakfast which looks like a scone, but tastes like sweet vanilla cake. While eating I decided to do some homework just so I would be ready when I got back to school.

"Hey Sophie." Elwin said, entering the room.


"So, I got good new." Elwin said while sitting down.

"Oh ya?" I asked.

"Your cleared to go home."

I was silent. I didn't move. I was frozen. Solid. He didn't really just say what I think he said, did he?

"This may be a shock for you."

"I can go home?" I asked, feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Yep. I thought it might be some big news meaning you haven't really been home in 2 1/2 months."

"Oh. My. Gosh. I'm going home!" I squealed, getting all excited.

"Not just yet, first I have to check on your cuts." Elwin said.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Then call Grady and Edaline over to discuss some things."


"Get all your medicine prepared."


"And then help you get to Everglen."

"Yeah, wait! Everglen?" I asked.

Elwin rubbed his neck.

"Yeah, well, they haven't exactly rebuilt Havenfield yet."

"What about the animals!? And Grady and Edaline? They've just been living with the Vackers this entire time!"

"They want you to see the remains of Havenfield." Elwin said. "But you don't have to."

"I'll go." I said.

"Don't make any rash decisions, Sophie. I know you don't have your echo any more, but I don't want you to feel any guilt. We were able to get that off of your chest for the most part, we don't need you to feel any more."

I stayed silent again. If Grady and Edaline had waited this long to rebuild Everglen, it felt like I owed it to them to go see the remains. On the other hand, part of her brain kept thinking, am I pushing myself to hard? Am I trying to do the impossible?

"I'll think about it." I said.

Elwin smiled. "I don't wanna rain down on your parade, your still going to be able to go to Everglen."

I smiled, a real genuine smile. "Yeah, I will."

Elwin laughed and clapped his hands once as he got up. 

"Haha! Now thats the spirit! Get excited! You won't be stuck in this place anymore! You'll be able to move around and go as you please!" Elwin said as he grabbed his imparter.

"Now, I have to call Grady and Edaline. I don't know if you want to call anybody, but weather you do or don't I honestly don't really care. Just please don't go over the limit of three people!"


Elwin walked into his office to call Grady and Edaline. I had no doubt that the call would last five minutes before they would be running to the nearest light leaping crystal to light leap here. So that meant I had about 3 minutes to call anyone I wanted. I thought about it for a minute, before deciding who I would tell.

"Hail Tam Song." I said into my imparter.

Hey lemons! So, School started on Thursday, so I probably, most likely won't update as much anymore. I should most defiantly update on Wednesdays and the weekends because on Wednesday I have a study group session for about an hour to get all my homework done so I have the rest of the day to update. So, basically expect two updates per week. 


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