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One week. It has been one week since Mineta got to this forsaken place. He had had just about enough of this shit. 

He thought he finally got away from those demons when he got off mars. Only to find that they had invaded earth. The first thing he saw was a pony's head on a pike.

As soon as Mineta saw that he was no longer trying to get back home. He was going to bring these things to extinction. He was hungry for justice... and grapes.


Mineta found clothes that would fit him in a house. He put them in his pack, if he ever got back he would need new clothes. One thing he didn't put in his pack was a purple trenchcoat. he cut the sleeves off, removed his argent pack, slid the coat on, and put his pack back on. (Now he was a true demon slayer.)

He also found some new guns. Apparently this guy collected weapons.

 Apparently this guy collected weapons

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(Bottom one is semi-auto and has a silencer

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(Bottom one is semi-auto and has a silencer.)

Mineta really had a hard time remembering all the weapons he had. At this point, he was a one-man militia with an arsenal in his backpack.


Mineta had fought a giant skeletal bull during its brain surgery. Just when Mineta thought it couldn't get any weirder. There was a portal somewhere. Mineta wasn't sure how he knew he just did.

It didn't take too long to find the portal. Mineta decided to risk it for a biscuit. And just jump through it.

Mineta landed in another UAC facility. This didn't seem to be the same dimension. Not this shit again, Mineta thought.

The Grape Slayer (Mineta Minoru as doomguy and/or doomslayer)Where stories live. Discover now