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"Now, can anyone tell me what I did wrong in this video," Minoru asked.

He was met with nothing but silence. Well, and expressions varying from fear to disgust.

"No one, no one at all? Well, I think it's fairly obvious. I went to rest and I didn't secure the perimeter. Also, I rushed in. And only fools rush in," Minoru said sounding rather annoyed that his students didn't know this, as if it were common knowledge.

"Enough review of the combat. Now, we move to the real meat and potatoes of this class. The demons," Minoru said, "Now, I don't know what religion you follow or if you don't believe in ghosts and demons and things of that sort. Demons, as you can see, are quite real. And considering that I am a spirit warrior, or undead at least, as well as demigod. Though I wasn't born a demigod, but made into one, but that can of worms will be opened another day."

Minoru then picked up the remote for the projector and switched to a slideshow.

"Now, class I want you to know that these demons are on the weaker side, but that doesn't matter because they can still gut you like a fish. From here they only get stronger. As not to overwhelm you I'll only show you the ones we saw today."

Minoru clicked a button and a picture showed up labeled "POSSESSED."

"The 'possessed' are not of demonic origin, but rather are humans that have died and their bodies have been possessed by demons. Depending on what the person has on them before they're killed, will depend on the type of weapon they use. For example; if a soldier dies, they'll use a gun or multiple guns."

Minoru clicked another button and now showed two images, one labeled "IMP" and the other labeled "SUPER IMP."

"Imps are dangerous creatures and can not only jump, but can also throw various projectiles. The bigger, or darker, or more wrinkled the Imp, the dangerous."

Minoru turned the lights back on and clapped his hands together.

"Now, any questions?"

Once again he was met with only silence.

"No? Well, in that case, class dismissed."

Yet, no one moved, as some were frozen in fear or disgust or some other emotion. To which, Minoru simply shrugs and walks off.

AN: Well, another chapter done and in the book, quite literally. I have no clue why I write at 12am --6am, I just do. This chapter was started around 1:40am and ended at 2:25am. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another story to work on. See ya later you beautiful motherfumpers.

The Grape Slayer (Mineta Minoru as doomguy and/or doomslayer)Where stories live. Discover now