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AN: I'm back bitches!!!! Also I'll be referring to character by their first names.

I was expecting more of challenge than that. Thought Minoru as he knocked Bakugo the fuck out in one punch. There was now a big hole in the wall directly behind where Bakugo was standing.

*Brrrring* *Brrrring* That was the bell signaling the end of class. Now Minoru's job was to teach the next class. You're probably wondering how that happened, well, flashback time.


"Well Minoru, good to see you're back," said Principal Nezu.

"And it's good to be back," said Minoru.

"Now, Minoru, could you tell me what happened exactly?"

"Well, Izuku, Denki, and I, ran into each other at the mall. So, we went to get lunch at the food court and the L.O.V. attacked. I didn't even see what happened to Denki and Izuku, so I can't tell you anything about the fight. What I do know, is that, that Kiroguri opened a portal under my feet and I was falling and got knocked out on impact. I found this armor on a dead body and that's all I can tell you, but I will give you this," said Minoru pulling out a chip that has footage all of his campaigns through HELL, except for the second circle he doesn't like to talk about that, "This footage will tell you the rest of what you need to know."


Principal Nezu walked into class 1-A and asked to borrow Minoru, some how looking even paler than usual, he also had blood shot eyes indicating he did not sleep.

"Principal Nezu, what do you need?"

"Well, Minoru, I just got done watching the footage you left me and I realized something."

"What did you realize?"

"We need a new teacher. Someone who knows what these things are, what they can do, and how to fight them. So, Minoru, I'm asking that you teach here, please, show these students what you know. Or else we might not be able to stop them from doing a full scale invasion."

Minoru was conflicted, if he did this his peers might think he's a monster, but if he doesn't they might become monsters.

Minoru knew what he had to do.

"Alright, I'll do it."

Nezu perked up a that. "That's great news, I'll make the announcement later today."

******End Flashback********

Minoru was prepared to teach his first class, and considering that it's the whole school in one room, that's saying a lot.

"Hello students."

The entire room got quiet.

"Now some of you may know me as Mineta or the perv. I know some of you think I should have died when I went missing. To be completely honest I agree I should be dead. I honestly have no clue how I'm not a blood stain on the ground and even more so alive, considering the injuries I've sustained."

"Now I know what your thinking, 'Why is there a first year teaching.' Well I could tell you, but I'm not going to. Instead I'm going to show you."

The light dimmed and a projector turned on.

"Now some of this footage might cause you to vomit, so under your seats you will find barf bags."

The Grape Slayer (Mineta Minoru as doomguy and/or doomslayer)Where stories live. Discover now