Converse Store - Harry Holland

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Late night ideas again.

*Y/n's POV*

I've been needing a new pair of shoes. My shoes are getting worn out and needing a replacement. And today, that's what I'm doing. I'm currently at the Converse store getting a pair. You could never have enough pairs of shoes right?

I walk down an aisle, scanning the racks. There's so many. There's blue, pink, red, green, you name it. I'm not really looking for a certain color but possibly white or red maybe. The ones I'm wearing now are white. I keep washing them but the stains won't come out. I continue to look until I find a white high top pair (like the ones I'm wearing now) and black pair. Sadly there's no red in my size. I take the white pair out first and put them on. You're probably wondering, "why are you trying them on when you have them already?", well, I don't know exactly.

I take those off and try on the black pair. Right as I do, a group of cute boys walk into the store. 'Oooo.' One has red/brown curls with a navy blue hoodie on, another has dirty blonde hair and black and white striped shirt, and the last one has dark brown hair and a maroon shirt. I look down and slip the shoes on. No need to get ner-

My mom is calling, greattt. I answer the phone and hold it with my shoulder, "Hey mom."

"Hi honey. I just wanted to let you know about my new roast recipe!" My mom squeals.

I chuckle at my mom. She's always been so cute, getting so excited by the smallest things.

"What's it like?"

I walk over to the mirror and debate on the shoes.

"It has potatoes, green beans, and," She went on while I looked through the aisles again, checking if there's any more that catch my attention, which some do of course.

"You should get a boyfriend hun." My mom randomly says.

I choke on my spit, "What? Why do I need a boyfriend?"

In the corner of my eye, I see the group of boys looking at me. Great, attention.

"Because you're lonely," I hear her sigh, "I bet you stay in that room of yours all day. You need someone to keep you company. Also, you need to find someone rich. We all know you won't cook or work."

"First, I don't care if I'm lonely. Second, No, no I don't stay in my room all day. I have a job. Third, if I need someone to keep my company, why don't I get a dog? And, I don't date for wealth, I date for personality. I will cook and work too." I defend, trying on a yellow pair.

I glance up and see the boys staring at me. I give them a light smile and go back to the shoes from before.


"But nothing mom. If I want someone, I'll get someone. I don't need anyone. Now, go back to that roast. That sounded good."

My mom and I talked until I told her I had to check out. We hung up and I cleaned up the boxes. I picked out four pairs. Oops. As I pick up the boxes, the boys from earlier, come up and ask if they could help me the shoes.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." I smile, grabbing my purse.

"We couldn't help but overhear your conversation." The brown headed one says.

I sigh, "Yeah. My mom really wants me to settle down and find a boyfriend but, there's no good ones. Everyone around here is either creepy or not my type."

"What's your type?" The dirty blonde asks.

"If you give me your names, I'll tell you."

"Oh yeah. I'm Harrison, that's Tom and Harry"

"I'm Y/n. I don't have a type. I just like personality and how they treat me." I shrug.

They put the boxes on the counter so the cashier can scan them. I turn towards them and notice they didn't pick out any shoes.

"Why didn't you get any shoes?"

"I didn't see any." Harry shrugs.

I take out my card and hand it to the cashier. He swipes it and hands it back. The boys and I walk outside, in front of the store.

"It was nice meeting you, Y/n." Tom smiles.

"It was nice meeting you guys too." I smile too.

Tom and Harrison start walking off towards the car while Harry stayed,

"I was wondering if I could get your number?" Harry asks, fiddling with his hoodie string.

"Of course."

I tell him my number and he tells me his.

"I'll text you." He winks, running towards the laughing boys.

I shake my head smiling and leave to my car. Hmm. What a weird but interesting day.

This one was kinda weird tbh.

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