meeting him

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"Just one more pint, mate."
This was a typical night for me; going out to the nearest pub with my friends and drinking. I never really did anything beyond that. I drank, got hungover then drank again, i wasn't proud of it in any way, shape or form, but my friend's requests for me to have "just one more pint" were always my weakness. Not proud of that either.

This time, I rejected which was not only a surprise to my mate but to me too. I never said no, surprisingly.
"Why not?" My friend tilted his head, I looked back to the guy on stage in the pub and scrunched up the flyer with his name on it in my hand. "Just don't feel like it." I shrugged, turned my back and faced the singer on stage, Harry Styles. He had brown hair that mostly was whipped back into a tiny little ponytail on top of his head with little curls sticking out from the side. I smiled as he fixed the microphone, his forehead knitted together and his foot tapping on the hollow stage floor. I slithered through the crowd, up to the singer who I had heard about ages ago and is why I decided to come here tonight. He was just starting out and was performing his new single Sign Of The Times, I heard him on his youtube channel - Harry's Style. It was a bit lame, but he had a good voice at least. He looked a bit shy but once he opened his mouth, he sounded like he'd been doing this for ages — which he hadn't. I smiled through the entire performance and watched him walk off stage before I followed him "Wait!" He turned around, his boot clicking on the concrete. I gulped as he smiled softly. "Hi, I'm Niall." I jut out my hand and he shook it. A smirk played on his lips as I felt his rings against my knuckles. "Harry. Harry Styles."

I closed my eyes, smiling before I looked up at him. "Nice to meet you." From there, we talked for 2 hours, to be fair - we didn't know it had been that long, but I gave Harry my phone number and told him we should catch up some time as he would be in town for the next 2 weeks. He nodded, pursing his lips. He eventually left and I was left alone, in this dark, loud pub. I could've made my move, "Fuck." I muttered, turning and leaving the pub. I walked back home, feeling defeated because, in all honestly, Harry wouldn't call me. Let's be real, I'm just a boy, and he's an inspiring celebrity, of course, I wouldn't matter after this night. I get to my front door, unlock it and turn the handle before walking in.

"Horan!" My roommate, Nathan, cheered as I looked up at him.
"Not today, Hyde." I frowned, Hyde is Nathan's last name, and it became a sort of our thing to call each other by our last names. Long story.

Nathan stood, raising his right eyebrow. "Okay, which guy didn't give you his number?" A slight chuckle fell from his lips but he shut up once he saw what look I gave him.
"I got a number." I sat on the couch, my elbows resting on my knees. "I don't know if I'll get a callback, is all."
Nathan shook his head. "Don't worry about it, you always get the guys, Niall." He got up, got two beers and passed me one. "On the house." He winked, I opened the beer and sipped as I ran a hand through my hair and played with the bottle.

The rest of the night was spent drinking beers and playing shitty music that sounded great when you were drunk. By 1:00 am, I was in bed, staring up at the dark ceiling as I thought about Harry.

That's all I thought about for the next week. I honestly gave up on waiting for Harry to give me a call, until one day, my phone rang. I picked up, "Hello?"

Then, to my happiness, I heard Harry's raspy morning voice. "Hey, Niall. It's Harry, I was wondering if you'd like to meet up for lunch at 1 pm, today?" I nodded to myself.
"Of course." He chuckled, and explained the place and said 'I'll meet you there' before hanging up. I looked at the clock, one hour and a half. I quickly showered, put on my best shirt, a favourite, and skinny jeans. I brushed my hair, put on perfume and I was ready with 10 minutes to get to the cafe.

I looked at the cafe as I parked, being 20 minutes late. I stepped outside and admired its plants hanging from shelves above the counter from the window, I smiled, took a deep breath and walked in.

Everything seemed perfect, people laughing, baristas having fun with their coworkers, little candles on tables and two children playing with their mother's dog, but there was something off.

Harry wasn't there.

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