jokes and misery

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"If they ask, we met in a high-end restaurant." I reminded Harry as he fixed his hair in the mirror. My parents told me they were in town this morning because they needed to talk to me about something, and after last night, the only right thing to do in my head was introduce them to Harry.

"Pretend like you didn't run up to me, blushing like mad and forced me to talk to you, got it." Harry laughed and it was the stupidest laugh but it had my entire heart. I smacked him lightly, rolled my eyes and smoothed out my shirt so there were no wrinkles and I could at least try to look presentable.

Once we made it to the doors of Coraldown, where my parents wanted to meet me, I took hold of Harry's hand. Harry no longer was strong coffee and a cold ocean, he was the rainbow on a rainy day and the beautiful waves that hit you and made you laugh whenever you visit the beach. We walked inside and headed to the small living room where we greeted my parents and introduced Harry, thankfully they didn't ask how we met.

"Niall, remember Gabriel?" My mum spoke once I had sat down, my eyes immediately widened at the mention of his name. I slowly nodded, biting my lip. Summer eight, what a shitty year.

"It wasn't an accident." And as soon as those words left my mother's lips, I felt my heart drop, my hand loosened its grip on Harry's and I was sure I was about to damn cry if my mum continued talking.

"It was a murder." My dad said quickly as if it would stop the tears that had rolled down my cheeks mere seconds ago as if I hadn't already figured out what happened, as if saying it was easier than letting me just think it. The next hour was a blur, Harry noticed the blank look in my eyes as he gave my hand a tight squeeze and officer Tomlinson continued talking about the possible culprits. I somewhat listened, we were back in Harry's house anyway, the officer thought it'd be a better place to discuss this since it was my 'home' and I would be more comfortable there.

He asked the normal questions, what my relationship with the deceased was, if I had talked to him prior to the accident, how I found out about the accident. Or, murder. I answered his questions, and pretty much lost it when I had to explain how I found out.

It was a stormy night and I hadn't heard from Gabriel in a good 18 or 19 hours, his sister called me and broke the news to me, explaining that someone was driving on the highway and saw something that looked like a dead animal in the water while on the way to their night shift, they parked their car and took a closer look, finally recognising it as a human body. The cops were called, Gabriel was identified and his parents were called, leading to that very call between his darling yet distraught 16-year-old sister and his heartbroken and now lost 18-year-old boyfriend.

I stood up, told the officer and his partner I needed a minute before rushing to the bathroom and calling Adonis, god how I needed him. Being the angel he is, he said he'd over in a minute so I gave him Harry's address (Harry didn't mind) and as promised, he was knocking at the door in a matter of minutes. Once he was inside, I engulfed him in a massive hug, causing me to almost cry again but luckily I didn't because Tarkyn saved the day by whispering a joke into my ear.

He looked at officer Tomlinson as he leaned against the wall, his partner had now taken over the interrogation. Tarkyn nudged me, "since when are cops hot?" I looked at him, raising an eyebrow as I wondered if he was joking but sadly, he was having eye sex with the cop.

"oh for fuck's sake, Tarkyn." I laughed, rolling my eyes. And even though Tark was being a little inappropriate, it was a really good distraction from everything going on. Tarkyn was an idiot but he was my idiot best friend and that's all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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