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Shawn stood up. "Hey, have you ever ghost hunted?" I tilted my head.
"Well, does going to get water at 3 in the morning and watching out for demons count?" I laughed, so did Shawn then he grabbed his phone and looked for a haunted place, saying the words. "We'll just go to our local abandoned hotel." like it was some sort of grocery store. Nonetheless, we ended up going, don't ask me why Shawn didn't just choose a park to hang out at or go skateboarding or even just watch a movie at my place because I didn't really know. All I knew is that this boy wanted to go looking for demons like he was one of them, however, I was pretty excited.

When we got there, the hotel looked pretty old, turns out it really wasn't. It was built in 1990, which really isn't that old compared to some haunted places and got shut down in early spring of 2010. Shawn put his arm around my shoulders and motioned to the hotel. "There was a woman that used to work here, she was the maid, one night a family came in. The depressed father drank too much one night while his family were out for a look around the hotel and he hadn't eaten in a week, so the wine made him crazy, apparently. The alcohol, mixed with his depression took over his body and he ended up killing his wife and his three children. The next morning, the maid came to clean their room and found the whole family dead, including the father, and the only thing that the police could trace back to who committed the crime were the fingerprints that belonged to the father on the machete, the main weapon. A week later, the maid turned up dead in their room." Shawn looked at me, as I chewed on the corner of my lip.

"Legend has it, the family now haunts the hallways, lobby and other rooms of the hotel because they were happy in those places before they got to their own room," Shawn paused and I couldn't resist but speak up as I stared at the hotel, which now seemed eerier.

"And died," I muttered, Shawn made a noise in agreement.

We walked up to the front door, watching where we were stepping. "Don't wanna step on the ghosts." Shawn joked and laughed. I didn't.
We got to the door and Shawn whipped out a crowbar which he brought along and cracked open the door which made a squealing sound as it opened and we walked in. The room was dark, damp and quiet. Too quiet and that's when we heard footsteps from the distance.

"It's the father!" Shawn yelled and pulled me into his side as I saw someone step out from a corner of a wall, laughing lowly. As the dark figure came into view, it wasn't a ghost or 'the father', it was a boy. Around our age, my height. Shawn let go of me, straightened himself up, cleared his throat. "Niall, there's no need to be scared."

I raised my eyebrow but decided to drop the issue as the boy walked towards us, stuck his hand out. I shook it. "Benjamin." He smirked. "I go by Benji." I nodded and introduced myself and Shawn.
"Got you there, didn't I? Quite the first impression." Benjamin laughed again as he crossed his arms, leaning against a graffitied wall. Shawn tried to defend himself but Benjamin shook his head, his curls swaying across his forehead in sync to his chuckle. Charming.

I looked at him, raising my right eyebrow. "Well, your impression wasn't quite the best one, was it?" I removed a bit of my blonde hair from my eyes as our new acquaintance's look on his face was offended but somehow, it was also a look of agreement. I continued my reasons why his first impression wasn't much better than Shawn's. "You were hiding behind a wall." Benjamin shrugged, nodding.
"I know."

I kinda liked the guy, I mean, he seemed pretty cool when he wasn't, you know, hiding in an abandoned hotel and scaring people. But we did end up going to different directions because we had a very brief amount of time talking, 'not enough bonding' suggested Shawn.

"Benji seems cool." I shrugged, moving along the haunted hotel that we decided to go continue exploring for another 2 hours. Wasn't the best 2 hours of my life, but hey, it was pretty alright. Shawn nodded.

"Yeah, he does." We kept walking, arms linked, breath held. As expected, nothing happened so we went straight back to Shawn's house to enjoy a warm cup of tea as it started to get cold.

"So," Shawn cleared his throat as he let the tea steep. "Tell me more about Harry." He sat down, handed me a mug with boiling hot tea inside. I blew on it.
"There's not much more to tell, he became famous so he left me and I'm still waiting for a call longer than two minutes." I bit my lip, realising what I just said. He left me. Was this how I really felt about my boyfriend's career? His success? His fans? His hard work? It wasn't about me, it was about him and him chasing his dream. Besides, I'm hanging out with a cute, sweet guy. "Sorry." I shook my head. "Not left me, he had to go somewhere else for his work and he's just busy."

Shawn nodded and whispered, putting his hand on mine. I felt his fingertips as they touched my knuckles. "It's okay to miss him." I looked up, bit my lip and shrugged. He was right, it was okay to miss my boyfriend, but it wasn't okay to feel like he should put you above all else. And that made me sad. I sighed, What am I doing?

I had to call Harry, I had to apologise. Even if he didn't know what I was apologising for. I felt terrible.

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