i love you

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The following morning, Harry and I sat at the island, next to each other, absentmindedly holding hands. I don't know what came over me this last month - or him - but I was back in love with Harry, and he seemed to have changed. He was a better version of the Harry I met months ago.

He was telling me about his career, and I told him about mine. He was proud, and he kissed my head over and over to the point where I had to tell him his lips would get tired.

"Oh gosh, Niall, you have absolutely no idea how much I've missed you." Harry looked at me and there was complete honesty in his voice, he missed me. He truly did. "I missed you, too, Styles." I laughed and kissed his cheek softly before hopping off my seat and going to the fridge to get a coke. "Plans for today?" I looked at him, he smiled and shrugged.

"Giving you all my attention counts as plans, right?" He tilted his head and gave me that award-winning smile where his deep dimples made sure to be present. I truly loved him. I didn't feel this with Shawn, maybe I just liked the idea of Shawn. The idea of dating Shawn, the idea of being with him 24/7, the idea of kissing him - not the reality of it. But with Harry, nothing was better than reality. In that moment, I really wanted to just throw myself at Harry and never let go but I, unfortunately, did not, I instead walked over to him, grabbed his hand and answered his question by giving him a simple nod, followed by a more-than-necessary cocky comment about knowing he won't be able to keep his hands off me anyways, even if he tried.

I fell onto the couch, giggling softly as Harry plumped down beside me. I snuggled into him and he wrapped his arms around my waist and then everything felt perfect.

However, our lazy asses didn't spend all day on the couch, we actually went outside for a walk but looking back, staying home all day would've been a better idea. but, I am getting ahead of myself so let me go back to when we actually got up and left.

We walked down the street together, hands tightly clasped together and leaning into each other, I saw a sweater in a shop that I fell in love with so I told Harry to wait outside while I quickly went to check it out, and that's when a hand clamped over my mouth and I looked around, the shop was deserted except for the cashier that was behind the counter, but it was too shifted away from us for her to see me struggle. Of course. I whipped my head around to see the person that had me so tightly against them, I could hardly breathe, but to my surprise, a cloth was put over my mouth, a great start to a Sunday morning, really. Whatever was on that cloth made me fall asleep in seconds, that's what made me finally stop shaking and yelling for Harry.

"Geez, took you long enough to wake up." That voice, I'd recognise it anywhere - Shawn. But it can't be. I looked up against my better judgement and sure enough, there Shawn was standing, arms crossed, a smirk on his face. I tried to move my hands but they were tied behind the chair I was sat in and so were my ankles.

"Where's Harry?" I said the first thing that came into mind and that was Harry, my eyes desperately looked around for him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Don't know but I'm sure your little boy toy is crying out for you to come home right now." His smirk grew wider and I didn't know what to do besides cry so I did, I cried and cried for hours. finally, it seemed I ran out of tears so I yelled, I yelled at nothing, I yelled at Shawn when he came to give me water and I yelled at myself for leaving Harry's side and I yelled till it seemed like I had no voice, no energy and no tears.

"Why am I here?" I asked abruptly as Shawn untied me and took me to a mattress on the floor, giving me a few seconds to lay down before leaning on the wall.

"to fall in love with me again." He answered, chuckling a bit before leaving and shutting the door, and I was left all alone in a dark, cold room, certain I'd never fall in love with Shawn again but the possibility of getting out anytime soon, didn't seem so certain.

I turned over in the poor excuse of a bed and sighed, "I love you." I whispered it was meant for Harry, I whispered it every night I was there - a week in total - and little did I know, Harry whispered the same thing right back to me.

How I got out of Shawn's psycho clutches went against me, but desperate times call for desperate measures. After a week, I faked being in love again, and apparently I'm that good of an actor, he believed me and let me spend the day with him, free and all. At around 12am, we were on the couch and I was leaning into him to go a step further, he had fallen asleep about 20 minutes ago, and that was my chance.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I whispered in his ear and he nodded a bit in his sleep. I stood up, went to the kitchen and grabbed the keys for the front door before quietly yet quickly opening the door, I escaped, I had left behind evidence - the open door, the key in the keyhole - but I was out. That's really all that mattered at this point. I didn't know where I was but I ran, I ran for what seemed like hours then I finally reached the store where Shawn had taken me from and there, I saw Harry, with a beer in his hand, sitting down outside the closed store like he was hoping I had been hiding in there but was trying to accept I might be dead.

I walked up to him, crouched down and put my hand on his slumped shoulders. "Haz," I whispered and his head lifted faster than I could say my own name, his eyes widening.

"Niall!" He almost yelled, putting the bottle down and pulling me into the tightest hug I think he's ever given me. I hugged back and couldn't help the tears springing to my eyes, especially once I had seen the stray ones on Harry's cheeks. When we had pulled away, he held my hands, squeezing so tight, it was almost like he didn't believe I was really there and was trying to find proof. "I love you." He took a deep breath and I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"did you know I love you more?" I chuckled.

"No way! sorry, I don't believe you, guess I'll have to send that to Mythbusters for them to solve, my love." We both laughed, then when our laughter and joy had died down, we headed back home to regain it. though I'll be honest, I was scared beyond words that Shawn would find me again even after Harry explained to me that he had reported me as missing and after telling the police I was found, I could tell them who kidnapped me and then get Shawn arrested.

That night I lay in Harry's arms, feeling my own shake as the thought that Shawn could break in through the window, through the door, find me at the studio when I record songs or anything just made me want to give up. But I didn't and I just held onto Harry tighter and he made it clear he was still awake by looking into my eyes and smiling. Green eyes met blue and I kissed him like the only air I'd ever need would be Harry's lips.

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