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My heart fell. I looked down, the feeling of stupidity and shame mixed into one, roaming around my heart and squeezing the hope for love out of it.
I walked to a table, marked with a number 7 which I ran my fingers over, biting my lip. I knew he didn't care. I sighed, shivering a bit as the door swung open since I was sitting right next to it and the sudden cold air hit my bare neck.
"Niall! I'm so sorry, I got caught in traffic." Harry sat in front of me, tugging on his scarf that wrapped perfectly around his neck, resting on his shoulders as a kind smile formed on his lips.

"No problem." I grinned, I knew Harry was 30 minutes late but at least, he was there. In front of me. Smiling at me. Harry grinned back, as the waiter came over. We ordered our food and some wine before we got to get to know each other. By the time the food and drink arrived, I already knew about Harry's upbringing, his family and hamster he owned, that he named Hamster when he was younger. He knew about Nathan, and a couple of other things but never about the fact that I usually try to pick up guys, I didn't want to make a bad impression. Of course, if this date went the way I wanted it to, that would stop. We ran out of things to talk about as we bit into our food, which Harry couldn't stand, so he asked a rather personal question as he ran his fingers over the number 7 imprinted on our table.

"Hey, Niall?" He looked up at me as I sipped a bit of my wine, tapping my foot.
"Yes?" I put my glass down, my blue eyes meeting his emerald green orbs.
"What's love for you?" He tilted his head and it was at that time, that exact moment, when Harry bit his lip and brushed a bit of his hair back, fiddled with his ring, that I wanted to say "You. You're love to me." but I, instead, faked a smile and shrugged. "Eh, known but distant. You?"
He scratched the back of his head. "I can't put it into words, it can change so much. And it can be so different." I looked at him. "Different?"

He nodded. "Yeah, different." He took his scarf off, putting it on his lap. "It can be fake, platonic, true or, even, potential." he chuckled softly, the sun hitting his cheek. "I prefer true, but only with the right person." Again, as he said that, I just thought about us, and him, and kissing him and making him mine and ugh, what am I doing? I snapped back into reality, it kicking me in the ass.

"I should get going." He stood up and waited for me to nod before he made his way to the counter and paid for the meal. I stared at my hands, not wanting to let Harry slip away that easily so I stood up and tapped Harry's shoulder. "Harry? Do you maybe, I don't know, wanna come over to mine and watch a movie?"

To my surprise, Harry nodded and that's it - we went to the house I shared with Nathan and headed to my room, having the house to ourselves as Nathan was at work. I looked at him as we sat on my bed before I looked back at my TV. "Okay, favourite movie?"
He laughed. "I know you're probably expecting something like fight club but um, either The Notebook or Titanic."
I smiled. "Well, the only one on Netflix is The Notebook so.." I put on The Notebook, straightening myself up. I leaned back, looking at Harry from the corner of my eye and thinking about how much I wanted to kiss him. He turned his head and I felt my face go completely red, he smirked and quickly put his arm around me so I was leaning into him. I looked at him surprised.

"Oh, uh-" I stuttered, his smug look making me weak. I was falling too far deep and just as I was about to take his arm off me, he leaned in, I leaned in and our lips touched. I could feel a whole zoo being set free in my stomach, sparks exploding as my heart started racing as I felt his lips move in sync with mine. I pulled away for a second before I kissed him again, this was actually happening. I had been waiting for this for a week. I put my hands on his neck and stroked it with my thumbs as he moved his hand onto the small of my back and let his hand trail up my back, under my shirt before a knock on the door stopped him. I got up, sighing in annoyance as I opened the door. "Oh, Hyde, hey."

Nathan grinned. "Hey, Horan. I picked up pizza." He leaned on the door frame, pretending he didn't see Harry before he leaned into my ear. "I told you not to worry." he winked then left.
I chuckled, turning back to Harry. "Sorry." He shrugged, a smirk playing on his lip as he patted his leg and motioned for me to sit on it, obviously, I didn't hesitate in doing it. He kissed my head and looked out the window. "You know I'm leaving soon, right?" I nodded sadly and decided to just go for it and laid my head on his shoulder which he seemed to be fine with. "Which means, we'll have to have a long-distance relationship until I come back." I began to nod before it hit me. Relationship, he said relationship.

"Relationship? As in..." Harry looked at me, humming as he finished my sentence. "Boyfriends, dating. Calling you mine." And I think that's when my heart burst out of my chest and the hope for love came back and gave my heart a hug, a lingering, warm and loving hug. One I had never felt before, or if I had, it never felt this good.

Harry Styles wants to call me his.

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