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I smiled softly. "I'd like to be yours." He chuckled, sitting up and looking into my eyes with this look of lust and hope mixed into one in his.
"I'd love for you to have that title."

I chuckled and stood up, walking to the balcony as I let the wind hit my face as I leaned my hands on the slightly rusty railing as I looked at the city below. It was pretty windy, but it was perfect none the less, and it became even more perfect when Harry hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Look how perfect the sky looks." I remarked, pointing to the sky, which was a orangey-reddish colour.

"Not as perfect as you." Harry whispered, so quietly, almost like he didn't want me to hear it, but I did, and it made my face light up. Harry sat back on the bed and stared at me for a while before he waved his finger in the air.

"You." I looked at him, utterly confused and put my finger on my chest. "You light up my world." I laughed, turning red as I opened my arms and hugged Harry's neck, burying my nose in the crook of it. His phone pinged and I felt him taking it out of his pocket and check it before he cheered

"I GOT THE BRAND DEAL!" He punched the air, as I pulled away.
"Oh, babe that's amazing!" I held his hand and he smiled, that dimply smile that made my heart race faster than horses down a hill. Gosh, it was beautiful.

"I can't believe it, I did it! I did it!" He stood up, looking happier than a child on Christmas morning as his eyes twinkled. "I have to go to a little interview thing." He tilted his head and I nodded.
"Of course."

"I'll see you in a bit, baby." He kissed my cheek, grabbed his coat and left, shutting the door behind him. I sat on the bed, his words stuck in the back of my head, "baby". I liked it, I hoped it stuck around for long.

- Harry's POV-

I got into my car, drove to the small cafe where I would be having the interview that could possibly change my entire life. As I walked into the cafe, I looked at the woman and man waiting for me, a clipboard in the woman's hand. I sat down in front of them and the lady held out her hand. "Abbie." I shook her hand, "Harry."
Then the man shook my hand. "John." I nodded. "Nice to meet you."

"So Harry," Abbie began. "We need to ask you a few questions." I nodded.
"First, and this is crucial for your public image, sexuality?" I stared at her for a while, surprised she asked that before I cleared my throat and spoke up.
"I'm gay." I watched the two chuckle then look at me.

"Oh sweetie," Abbie chuckled, putting her hand on mine. "No, we have to change that for the public." I shook my head.
"I have a boyfriend-" John shook his head after me, scoffing.
"Do you want to be a big hit or a one hit wonder?"
"A big hit."

"Then listen to us." And I did, I listened to them explain how 'I couldn't be gay' and answered all their stupid questions. Finally, I got to go back to Niall's house.

-Niall's POV-

I packed my things, I was moving at the end of the day so I had barely 7 hours to get out. My new apartment was 3 block next my current place, I felt like I needed a new place to start over but Nathan and I didn't want to live too far from each other so I bought a dainty little apartment. It's crazy how adorable New York City's apartments can be.

Just as I finished packing the last box and put everything near the door, Harry burst in. "Baby! baby! I got it, I'm going to be famous! " I dropped my headphones and ran to him, hugging him. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his torso before he spun me around.

"I'm so proud of you!" he put me down, grinning modestly.
"Thank you, kitten." He looked around. "Moving, huh?"

I nodded and picked up a box, Harry did the same and put them in my car. We put all the boxes in my car before all we had a left was a poster on the wall. Harry took one off and saw a hole on the wall.

"Niall, beautiful, what's this?" He pointed to the wall and I looked, instantly turning red.
"It's kind of a long story."
"I've got time." Harry sat down, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh well, when I was 18, I was dating this guy named Gabriel and well, he, sort of, fucked me and I might have pushed my elbow into the wall too hard and that's the only way I knew how to hide it from Nathan." Harry chuckled before looking at me. "Shit, can I put you under that much pleasure?"

I blushed, shaking my head as I took the poster from him. "Oh my God, shut up." I chuckled as I took all the other posters down from the wall.
Harry laughed huskily, which was hot as fuck, not gonna lie. "I'm serious." He picked up my fake plants and put them in my car before we got in. "I know." I turned the radio on and started driving.

I quietly sang along to the radio before Harry's voice that had surprise dripping from it interrupted me. "Holy shit, baby boy, you're fucking good."

I shrugged. "Eh." I looked around, parking. "Here we are." I got out and again, Harry helped me put everything in my new house and unpack. I brought furniture a while ago and it was already there which was a relief. I grabbed the box that had everything that used to be in my old balcony and squealed. "Oh, yes." I took my small wooden shelf and grabbed the hooks, I hooked it to the wall and started putting the fake plants on it, smiling as the two wooden planks that were lined up, one under the other, filled the wall. I hang fairy lights on the balcony railing and put up pictures of my family on my dresser and bedside table.

I put my beanbag in the corner as well as my small table that had space underneath for a couple of books so I put my only ones there and a small white lamp on the table itself. The room, I must say, looked quite aesthetic. "Tumblr worthy." but I wasn't finished.

On my desk, I placed my laptop in the middle of the desk and a camera on the edge of it. I put some candles across the back of my desk before I hung up my LED light that portrayed a purple light when turned on and displayed the word, dreams.

Lastly, I hung up my posters and clock. I sat on my bed, exhausted as Harry looked around my room with his hands on his hips. "Damn, prince, you cleaned up nice." I chuckled, mumbling a "Thanks" as he headed for the door. "I have to go. I'm leaving for LA tomorrow, because of a show to start off my career."

I nodded, stood up and gave him a kiss. "Alright, call me."

"I will." He smiled.
"Promise?" I held out my pinky, pouting

He hooked his pinky with mine, kissing my pout.

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