II (Future)

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"The Sentinel program was originally conceived by Dr. Bolivar Trask."

"In the early '70's, he was one of the world's leading weapon designers but covertly, he had begun experimenting on mutants using their gifts to fuel his own research." Professor X says and a growl came from Atlanta and water was rising all over the room.

"As Dive will tell you, we lost many of our original teachers, to his cause. His method rival those of Sebastian Shaw, the mutant scientist, who tortured the three Kinetics you see today as well as myself." Magneto said and the water splashed onto the ground as Atlanta's control over her powers had begun to fluctuate.

"There was one mutant who had discovered what he was doing." The Professor continues calmly as if it was just the wind, not Atlanta's episode that was interrupting.

"A mutant with the ability to transform herself into anyone." Erik noted as everyone realized who they were talking about.

"Mystique." Colossus says coldly, as he leaned back against the wall.

"We met her as Raven. All of us did. I still wasn't speaking at the time, but I stopped many a fight." Rebel mutters, and Thomas nods.

"As was I." He raised his hand in acknowledgment, but no one looked at him, pointedly only acknowledging Magneto and Professor X, along with Instinct who was right next to him.

"I knew her as Raven. We met when we were children. Grew up together, she was like a sister to me. I tried, to help her, but only really succeeded in driving her away." The Professor only took a brief pause, to exchange a look with Erik, who nodded at him.

"She hunted Trask across the world, and at finally the Paris Peace Accords in 1973, after the Vietnam War, she'd found Trask. And killed him."

Charles looked truly devastated once again and once more as he had again, to recall this story of loss, devastation that had begun all of this. "It was, the first time she killed." He admitted.

"It wasn't her last." Logan points out to them all grim as usual, and Charles nodded his head to confirm, although everyone knew by now.

"But killing Trask did not have the outcome she expected. It only ended up persuading the government of the need for his program. They captured her that day. Tortured her. They chose to experiment on her," Charles took a deep breath.

"In her DNA, they discovered, all of the many secrets to all her powers of transformation. It gave them, the key they needed to create weapons to that could adapt to any mutant power, and in less than 50 years, the monstrously created machines that have destroyed so many of our kind were created."

"But it all started, that day in 1973, the day, she first killed, the day she truly became... Mystique." Charles' voice was heavy in tone as he gave them the weight of the story.

"You want to go back there." Kitty realized and Sierra dropped the fire onto the floor in shock, and Atlanta's water quickly became a wave to stop it from spreading.

"If I can get to her, stop the assassination, keep her out of their hands, then we can stop the Sentinels from ever being born." Charles' voice was full of good reasons arguments as well.

"And end this war before it ever begins." Erik finished as if it was the old times once again, when everyone was a true and real friend to everyone else among the X-Men.

"I-I can send someone back a couple weeks. I mean, maybe a even month, but you're talking about going back... decades." Kitty stammered and Sierra nods slightly.

"You have the most powerful brain in the world, Professor but the mind can only stretch so far before it snaps. It'd rip you apart. I'm sorry. No one, could survive that trip." Kitty said and Rebel looked over at Logan, who was clearly thinking about all of this.

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