III (Past)

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A Colonel was walking through the camp in Saigon, Vietnam and was in the process of entering a tent when he was stopped by a soldier. He had a big canteen at his side, as well as, another soldier with him.

"Can I help you, Colonel?" The soldier who was in charge of stoppin' anyone outside of the tent asked.

"Just here to give our boys a proper send-off." The Colonel replied calmly as the other one adjusted his cap in a calm, almost bored way.

"I'm truly sorry, sir, but we have orders. This is very much quarantined area." The soldier said and was quaking only slightly in his boots.

"Stand aside, soldier. That is an order." The Colonel says coldly and yet his voice was still calm. The guard soldiers stood aside as the Colonel and his soldier walked in.

"Attention!" Someone in the tent called out to them all, and then the soldiers in the room, all stood up at once.

"At ease." The Colonel said with an uneasy smile on his face as the two soldiers looked around the room in a silence.

They both recognized one at once as the Colonel reachs for the canteen on his belt and then he passed it on to the soldier who followed him.

A crackle of electricity came from the soldier who took the canteen, and the soldiers' eyes widened slightly, but the mutants all knew better then to say of it.

Colonel winked at one of the mutants that they both recognized and then an second later, said mutant, looked a bit confused until electricity crackles and he looked less confused, but knew, lot better then to say anything at all, to any of the others at this time.

"What is all this?" The Colonel asked as the other soldier with him, with the electricity, began to unscrew the can.

"Lab reports, blood tests. It's all getting packed up and shipped back with them." The soldier said with the vials and the paperwork files.

"Where's it going?" The Colonel asked him taking the file and reading it a bit slowly on purpose.

"Same place they are. Trask Industries." And electricity shot through the air and everyone felt it briefly, as if a heat wave had occured briefly inside the tent.

"Let's go, gentlemen." The Major says to the mutants and the soldier put the water on the ground behind him, and a shape, had begun to form, out of the water once it touches the ground. "I'm takin' you out of this shit show." Major said.

"Shipping home?" The no longer confused mutant asked, as the shape grew up and stood squarely behind a soldier, still water.

"Not just yet." The Major said and the blood tests, along with the lab reports, they were shut in a secure box.

"What are you doing with those?" One of the other mutants asked as he wore glasses of some sort.

"Just something to make the ride a little smoother. I'm transferring you all to a private facility where we can run a few more tests." He said.

"With all due respect meant, sir, there is nothing wrong with them." Circuit's eyes flashed with electricity under his hat, which was pulled low, so they did not see it.

"Your men are not military."

Colonel says calmly, as he walks towards them, as all it took was that vocal signal as then the watery shape moved quickly, over to the left side of the tent, where the man with a needle was going towards.

It took a miracle, but it worked, since no one noticed it unless... they knew, what to look for as it took the shape of a puddle again.

"We're authorized to remand these men." Major says equally as calmly as the Colonel was speaking now.

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