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"Do I make it?" Atlanta asked when they reached Logan and he looked at her.

"When I last saw the future, you were still alive. All of you, Kinetics were. As were Magneto, Professor X. Ice Man."

Logan murmured and suddenly the Sentinels fired at them all and Atlanta turned into her water form, so that all of the bullets went right through her.

All of this was being filmed on TV, as everyone, the entire world... had been watching this.

The familiar crackle of electric energy, it was now heard, and now Circuit was the one sending blasts at the Sentinels, to give everyone else more time.

Rebel began picking up rubble from the baseball stadium and throwing it at Magneto as long as it wasn't metal, throwing it at the Sentinels if it was.

"You're pathetic to resist me now. Do you want your family to die?" He asks as Atlanta approached him, with not a single piece of metal on her person.

"I won't let you hurt anyone again, Magneto. And certainly not my family at all." She said coolly as Rebel rose up into the air havin' thrown off all of the metal she had once had on.

Magneto looked at her, wondering what she thought that she was doing, especially after he had just sent Logan flying through the air with steel bars running through both of his arms, legs, and his shoulders.

"Mr. President sir. I'm addressing you now, in front of the nation and world, because I truly believe that you now... need to hear every side of the story in question." She inhaled sharply as she'd flick her wrist and the cameras all moved to focus on her, rather than Magneto.

"I'm listening, young mutant. What do we call you?" The President asked and he looks understandable scared, but it was to his credit that he didn't start an argument at once.

"I understand that your staff and indeed, you yourself sir, also believe that this Sentinel program, as it's now workin', is necessary. I understand the fear, the stigma of knowin' there are a group of people who have abilities to.. do anythin' that you previously hadn't thought possible." Rebel says and Trask laughs at her.

"Surely, Mr. President, you are not actually listening to this foolish little girl? She is a mutant, and much like a mutant terrorist, like Magneto."

Trask said and Atlanta stands up quickly and washes herself over to where Rebel was. Then was standing up in her human form, her hands still water.

"Forgive me for interrupting, Mr. President sir, but are you aware that Mr. Trask here, was experimenting on mutants? Killing them and even then torturing them? Forgive me but I have many, many scars to prove it all." She said and the President looked at Trask, who's mouth was agape in shock as he recognized her.

"Kill her! Kill her now!" He shouted and Stryker drew his gun, but out of nowhere a red blast hit him and sent him tumbling.

Dive's head shot up, quickly looking around at the surrounding area, but a glimpse was enough to see, that Alex had indeed just been there... however momentarily it had been for.

Then suddenly, when both of the girls were distracted metal debris smacked them both down hard causing Rebel a hard smack on the side of the head, as her vision began to blur.

"Rebel." She heard someone shout, or maybe it was just thoughts from some people as she saw through blurry eyes that Magneto had turned the cameras, back to himself.

"You built these weapons to destroy us. Why? Because... you are afraid of our gifts?" Erik asked, as he looked at the cameras around him and Atlanta's eyes burned with fury, as she crawled over to Rebel.

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