VI (Past)

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"He lost everything. You know, Erik, Raven... his legs. We built the school, the labs, this... this whole place, then... just after the first semester, the war in Vietnam got a lot worse." Hank said as he opened a bottle and Atlanta sat in a chair feeling the familiar pain ripping through her at the memory. "Many of the teachers..." Hank looked at Atlanta who had tears dripping down her face and she shook her head to try and put on a brave face again, as, Rebel, sat on the chair next to her. "And the many of the older students were drafted. We had to shut down." Hank murmured.

"Alex... Havok I mean, he got drafted and I left. I ended up helping mutants cross the border away from Trask, I'm assumin' you know who he is?" Logan nodded at her. "I ended up.. being one of the mutants who was caught and in the process of it all... I ended up being, the only mutant to ever escape it." She said and he looked at her.

"I've got scars all over. Some of them are from Shaw, but all the newer ones are from Trask. Mystique found me, a while later. Sorry Raven I mean. She'd been tracking me apparently, and, she needed help gettin' mutants out of the war in Vietnam. I had no idea that the mutants we were rescuin' included... I would have fought that much harder, if I had known." She lowers her head and shakes her head. "Raven blames herself for the loss of our friends, our fellow mutants. Banshee, Angel, even Riptide, Azazel, and Frost for the love of God's sakes, but it was my fault."

"I got out and they refused to go, to come with me. I should have, fucking dragged their asses out of their cells, but they wouldn't go." She slams her fist onto the table and held it against her chest.

"Hank, just keep going, or I'll hurt myself worse." She whispered and he nods quickly.

"I mean, it broke him. He retreated into himself. I... I wanted to help, to do something, so... I designed a serum to treat his spine,-- you know, derived, from the same formula that helps me.. control my mutation." Hank inhales a bit too sharply. "I take just enough to keep myself, balanced, but... he takes too much of it. I tried easing him back but... he just couldn't bear all the pain, the voices." Hank looked upset now at himself. "The treatment, gives him his legs, but... it's not enough. He's... he's just lost too much." Hank finished.

"I'll help you get her. Not for any of your future shite, but for her." Charles said, still looking, like a drunken mess as Rebel and Atlanta stood up.

"Fair enough." Logan spoke calmly.

"But I'll tell you this-- you don't know Erik. That man is a totally human of a monster, a terrorist, a murderer,."

"You think that you can convince Raven to change her mind? To come home? That's splendid. But whatever in the hell, makes you think, that you can change him?" Charles asked.

"What I can see in his head." Rebel said as she was now stepping into the conversation.

"Because you and Erik, you sent me back here together." Logan said and Rebel nods quickly at him, as Charles' eyebrows shot up at once.

"The room that they are holding him in, was built during the second World War when there was a shortage of the common steel. So the foundation is all pure concrete and sand, no metal." As Hank showed them the maps of it all, he spoke as well.

"He's being held a hundred floors beneath the most heavily guarded building on the planet." Charles said as the maps of the Pentagon were all rolled out and laid flat.

"Why is he in there?" Logan asked and a chuckle escaped from Atlanta and he raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry." She mumbled and he chuckled quietly at her.

"That is one thing that was exactly what you did 50 years from about two hours ago, when I was sent back." He said.

"What, he forgot to mention...?" The wheezing laughter from Charles had begun once again.

"Uh, JFK." Hank said as Charles continued to let out his wheezing rather hysterical laughter.

"He killed..." Logan began, trying to comprehend the information he had just been given.

"What else explains a bullet miraculously curving, through the air? Erik has always had a way with guns. You sure that you want to carry on with this?" Charles asked, having finally regained somewhat of control over himself.

"This is your plan, not mine." Logan pointed out to Charles and Atlanta let out a grunt.

"We don't have any resources at all, to get us in." Hank said as he looks at the map.

"Or out." Charles, helpfully as always, pointed out to the group at large.

"I could trick the cameras with an illusion of us not being there, but it obviously won't last forever." Rebel's voice sounded doubtful at best.

"Where I'm from, you're the most powerful telekinetic in the world. You have, unlimited power, literally. You'd go up against four Sentinels, and tear all of them apart before one hit you. It was always incredible watchin' you in a fight, kid. Until the damn Sentinels... got all their upgrade but you have still got all that power. You use it, you're a real force to be reckoned with kid." Logan said and she looked at him.

"Just two requests, if I am actually gonna believe you about all this." She said, as one of his eyebrows went up in question.

"Sure kid, shoot." He said and she gritted her teeth slightly at the name.

"Call me Instinct. I get that you are actually older then all of us combined, but please, try to call me at least by my name. Also, I can get Circuit to help us, so long as you call him Circuit or T. Then he'll do what we ask... I hope." She said.

"Got it. Is that the same request for you, Atlanta?" He asked and Atlanta's eyebrows shot up.

"Keep calling me my name and we'll get along brilliantly." She said as then Charles groaned at her mocking him.

"I know a guy. Yeah, he'd be a young man now. Grew up outside of DC. He could get into anywhere." Logan said with a chuckle. "I just don't know how the hell we're gonna find him." He said, chuckling again and Rebel looks at them.

"I can operate Cerebro, but only if Charles can let me into it." Rebel said but Charles shook his head sharply.

"We have a phonebook." Hank offers.

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