IX (Past)

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"Peter, thank you very, very much, now you take care." Charles said as they all were standing on an airstrip and Atlanta looked distrustful of Erik, who raised an eyebrow at her.

"Hey, I saw your flight plan in the cockpit. Why ever are you going to Paris?" Peter asked and Rebel laughs at his eagerness to know everythin' at once as she shakes her head at him.

"Charles, I'm gonna leave you in charge of that one while I stop Atlanta from committing outright murder." At once, there was a sarcastic tone in her voice and Atlanta shakes her head.

"Let me know when you guys are in Paris, I'll meet you there. I can't stand being on a plane, with him. You know, who I mean."

She said and then she was gone, only leaving a puddle of water, behind her and Peter's eyes shot wide open.

"You'll get used to it Peter, it happens a lot. Everyone sees it, eventually they have to." Rebel said, clapping him on the back before she walks up and into the plane.

"Do me a huge favor and return it for me." Charles said, tossin' him the keys to the car. "And, Peter? Take it slow."

He suggested as they all walk into the plane, and Peter laughs, as he waves a bit at them from the airstrip.

"Where did they dig you up?" Erik asked as Rebel walked onto the plane and sat down across from Logan, who hands her the newspaper on the table without a word or claw of protest.

"It's a long story, Erik. A real long story." She said and he looks at her, as he was shaking his head.

"I've got time for a long story, I have been locked up in the Pentagon, for a bunch of bloody years, Instinct." He snapped and she looked at him, as the table began to shake.

"Yeah? And who's fault was that!" She shouts and suddenly Logan's glass had exploded in front of him and then she looked down.

"Sorry, Logan." She said quietly and he plucked out glass from his face as he'd heal as soon as he did.

"Not your fault kid. I'm no telepath and I can feel the anger radiating off this guy. It is like he wants us, to start hitting him." Logan said and Rebel's hand twitched next to her. "You're gonna find this hard to believe, but, uh... you sent me. You and Charles. You two and the three Kinetics from the future."

Erik's expression became very confused at the thought as the plane took off, the engines running quite smoothly in the sky, which is to be expected.

"How did you lose them?" Erik asked and Rebel looked up from the couch a bit too quickly and almost fell over if he hadn't scooted to stop her. "Not you by the way." He said and she shoved him away quickly, backing up toward her side of the couch.

"The treatment for my spine affects my DNA." Charles said truthfully, but it wasn't the whole truth, as everyone but Erik knew.

"You sacrificed your powers so you could walk?" Erik asked, sounding a lot more then just a little confused on the subject.

"I sacrificed my powers, so that I could sleep. What do you know about it?" He asks quietly, and Rebel gasped at the sudden torrent of memories, as well as images flooding from Erik.

Wars and screams of twisted faces and mutants who had been tortured and killed.

Tears rolled down Rebel's cheeks and for once just for that moment she was wishing her powers away.

Just to stop seeing all of that pain in everybody's heads, Erik's most likely of all, considering that he knew all of these mutants personally like family.

"I've lost my fair share." Erik's voice was attempting to stay cool and calm, but it wasn't fooling Rebel or even the cool as a cucumber, Logan in the seats in the back.

"Ah. Dry your eyes, Erik. It doesn't justify what you have done." Charles said, and Rebel was holding her head and both Logan and Erik were lookin' at her now, and Erik had surprisingly a lot of concern on his face.

"You have no idea what I've done." He said quietly to Charles, as the torrents, of images all continued to flow.

"I know that you took the things that meant the most to me." Charles snaps at him, beginning, to get real angry at him now.

"Well, maybe you should've fought harder for them." Erik said, his tone getting harder and angrier, as they'd continue in their battle of words.

"If you want a fight, Erik, I'll give you a fight!" Charles snapped, standing up and Rebel curled up tightly in a ball, a second later her head in her hands.

"Sit down!" Logan barked at him.

"Let him come." Erik said and Logan moved quickly over so that he was on the couch next to Rebel, and she was shaking.

"You abandoned me! You took her away and you abandoned me!" He roared at Erik and Rebel's expression looked like a person being torn apart.

"Guys, would you just stop it." Logan tried to get through to them but it was clear that neither of them were going to listen to him.

"Angel. Azazel. Emma. Banshee." With each name, the plane creaked more as the pain in Rebel's body, head and her expression got all the worse as she got more memories then she ever asked.

"Mutant brothers and sisters-- all dead! Countless others, Dive among them, experimented on, butchered!" Erik shouted at Charles as the plane began to lose altitude fast.

"Erik!" Hank shouted, but Erik couldn't hear anything anymore except for his own rage.

"Where were you, Charles? We were all supposed to protect them! Where, were you when your own people who needed you?!"

"Hiding! You and Hank! Pretending to be something you're not!" He shouted, as Charles slid down the plane.

"Erik!" Hank said frantically and suddenly the plane leveled out by a sheer force of will that came from Rebel, who was upset beyond belief, but using that to her advantage here.

"Are you guys done? Because you're scaring our resident working Telepath here." Logan said and Rebel was still shaking.

"I did my best, Erik. I swear to you, I tried to get them home. But if they did want to go, it wasn't with me. I always was too late." Rebel whispered and his eyes flash briefly, just before he sat on the couch, down next to her.

"I believe you. I know, that you were one of the ones helping them all. Or at the very least, trying to. You, Atlanta, you were trying. But Charles didn't."

He said and Rebel held out her hand for a shake and he looked down at her hand, and accepted, shaking it, before he looked at Logan.

"So, do you want to pick all that shit up?" Logan asked, as he blew smoke and Rebel smiled slightly at him, as it began to be clear, that both of them, were almost working together to pick it all up.

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