IV (Past)

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Atlanta appeared in the pond behind the Xavier mansion, as it was where a voice called by the name Instinct, had telepathically told her to go to.

Rebel met her by the one of the windows on the ground floor and they hugged swiftly, before they both heard a loud roar.

"That's Beast." Atlanta recognized instantly and the two ran quickly into the house to see a strange guy thrown across a stairway and clean across the house.

Then the guy was thrown onto the ground and lands directly at Atlanta's feet. "Dive?" He asks and at that, it was Atlanta's eyebrows that shot up.

"How the hell do you know my name?" She asks coldly and suddenly Beast was hanging upside down from the chandelier and she raised her eyebrows at the still stranger sight.

"Hank?" Rebel asks sharply in surprise, and Beast narrowed his eyes at the two of them, who had left, after Alex had been drafted.

"Hank?" The voice that the stranger had without a doubt been looking for, had finally arrived. "What's going on here?"

Charles asks as he walks down the steps quite unsteadily, as he almost was tripping and falling, quite a few times as he made his way down.

"Professor?" The stranger asked and Rebel narrows her eyes, focusing on his mind and only his. "Instinct?" He asked as he looked over to see her.

"You should not know our names man, so how do you?" Atlanta snaps at him.

"Please don't call me that." Charles came down with a drink in hand and Rebel shook her head at the state of his health.

"Why? You know this guy?" Logan, as Rebel had found his name in his mind asked, and she looks at Atlanta, as her mind tried to process the information, that was now running through minds.

"Yeah, he looks s-slightly familiar. Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank." He'd say with a careless movement of hand and Hank leapt at once off of the huge decorative, chandelier, with a elegant flip.

"You can walk." Logan mumbled with shock and Rebel began sharin' images from Logan's mind to Atlanta's.

"You're a perceptive one. Which makes it slightly perplexing that you managed to miss our sign on the way in. This is private property, my friend, I'm goin' to have to ask him to ask you to leave." Charles said with a quiet groan as he was clearly suffering from a massive hangover.

"Well Charles, I'm sure that he has some interesting things to say, since he already knows who we are and we never said a damn thing." Atlanta said coldly to him.

"Hello Dive, a pain in the arse as always, yes?" Charles asked and she laughed without humor.

"Bullshit. I think that you are being the pain in the ass this time around. It is comin' from me, who is with Alex of all people." Atlanta snapped at him.

"How's he doing?" Hank asked as a momentary distraction from Charles' extremely hungover state.

"He just got shipped out for home. I told him to just hide out until I found a spot for him, he's with Thomas and a few others who were gonna be sent to Trask with him." She said.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't do that, uh, because, uh... because I was sent here for you." Logan said, trying to explain what he was here for.

"Well, tell whoever it was that sent you that I'm... busy." Charles tried and Rebel lets out low growl and a bulb on the chandelier exploded.

"I just fixed that!" Hank complains at once, and when she looks at him, that was all it took, and he shut up at once.

"That's gonna be a little tricky, see, because the actual person who sent me here... was you." Logan says.

"What?" Charles asked and Logan looked at Rebel.

"About 50 years from now. Also, the people who helped you send me back were Dive, Instinct and Circuit. I don't see Circuit however. Any clues, in this big, wide world, where he is?" Logan asked, looking at Rebel, who sighed at him.

"50 years from now? Like in the future, 50 years from now?" Charles asked and Rebel smacks herself in the forehead with frustration, pouring out of her.

"Yeah." Logan said, beginning to get impatient as well with his endless of questions.

"I sent you from the future?" Charles asked, his head cocked to the side in a complete state of disinterest.

Or maybe, just maybe, it was just the state of a drunk someone, who needs, yet another drink to keep his full self afloat in the world.

"If you had your powers, you'd know that I was tellin' the truth." Logan says with a look at Rebel, who nodded a bit at Charles, who looked shocked a bit.

"How do you know that I don't have my... Who are you?" Charles asked as Beast, he immediately looked shocked at the newfound information, about the new mutant in their midst.

Or maybe even perhaps, a very old mutant, rather then a young one, a new mutant. "I told you." Logan tries to explain to him.

"You C.I.A.? Have you been watching me?" Charles starts jumping at once to one insane conclusion after another.

"I know you, Charles. We've been friends for years. I know your powers came when you were Nine. I know you thought that you were going all crazy when it started, all the... voices in your head. And it wasn't, until you were 12, that you realized that all the voices were in everyone else's head. I say, do you want me to go on?" Logan asks and Rebel, reading Charles' mind now as well as everyone else's in the room, managed to rather quickly get to the conclusion that Logan was true to what he was saying.

"I never told anyone that." Charles says, seemingly all shocked out of his drunken stupor, however temporary, or momentarily it was for.

"Not yet, no, but... you will." Logan said and Rebel send a mental smile to him, and he nods slightly, just towards her general direction.

"All right, you have piqued my interest. What do you want?" Charles asked rather sharply.

"We have to stop Raven." Logan said and even after he said it out loud and Rebel having seen it in his head... she still couldn't quite believe it.

"I just left her in Vietnam, not really all that long ago." Atlanta said, as she was visibly stunned by the news.

"Yeah kid, I know. She told me." Logan said, and Atlanta raised an eyebrow at him. "Future Dive. You guys don't look that different actually. A lot more gray hair, but that's it. Oh, and then a wave tattoo on your hand. Not a brand, this time." He said and she looks at him as her eyes flashed. "Future remember?"

He said and Atlanta looks down quietly at her inner right wrist, where the brand was. "Oh, you didn't tell Hank until later." He said and Atlanta shook her arm until the sleeve came down over it again, hiding it from any sight.

"Anyways, I need all of your help that I can ask for. Also, Circuit would be at least a bit useful if we can find him."

Logan said and Atlanta blinks real quickly at him, before turning to the telepath and telekinetic Rebel, who was already hard at work.

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