14| New Home

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It was a long drive to San Francisco, a city that I had never personally visited and one that was so drastically different from Gotham that I knew it would not be easy to transition to my stay here. I could only wonder exactly how long I would stay here, the only thing that I did know was that I would stay here as long as Rachel, Gar, and Jason needed me.

"This is like... totally awesome." Gar exclaimed as he rushed out of the elevator taking in his surroundings with a sense of childlike wonder. He had always made it clear that being a hero was a sort of dream of his and the main reason why he wanted to leave his friend at Doom Manor.

"I guess you can call it that." Rachel replied in a relatively bored tone as she too looked around our perfectly polished surroundings. Since what happened with here father only a couple weeks ago I noticed that Rachel seemed incredibly withdrawn and not the girl she was before Trigon. I could only imagine what she went through, in truth it was still difficult for me to completely wrap my mind around what we went through. It was especially difficult to forget. I knew I would have to talk with Rachel soon, but now didn't seem like the time.

"Trust me Rach this is going to be awesome." He replied unfazed by her indifference as he continued to smile brightly.

"Doubt that. So fucking stupid." Jason muttered bitterly as he walked away luggage in hand, this seemed to snap Gar out of his trance as a new wave of excitement seemed to wash over him.

"I want first pick of the bedrooms!" Gar declared as he ran after Jason his own limited belonging in hand. Rachel slowly walked behind them, surprisingly carrying the same miserable energy as Jason who wanted to return to Gotham.  A sentiment that I currently shared.

Now it was only Dick and I who remained in the large living room with the high glass window that looked out into the San Fransisco bay. The view was admittedly beautiful but so different from the gothic architecture that Gotham had to offer that I once again found myself going back to the city that I loved. 

There were so many words that needed to be said between Dick and I, a conversation that I was not ready to have just yet. I could feel his hesitation behind, the tension that seemed to grow anytime that we're alone together. If we were going to spend so much time around each other it was a conversation that needed to be had, but one that I was not prepared to have  just yet. Instead without a word I followed the children into the hallway with all the luggage that I packed in hand. This place had multiple rooms all seemingly the same so I chose a room at random, luckily that random room had a perfect view of the bay.

We had arrived late afternoon and although I wanted to begin unpacking to distract myself from the millions of thoughts that were running through my mind I was too restless to be locked within these four wall. For so long I spent nights on the rooftops of Gotham and now falling in a normal routine seemed impossible. With an irritated sigh I stepped out of my room into the quiet hallway, the children were probably in a deep sleep from the long drive and although I wished I could do the same I found myself exploring different rooms in the building.

It was twenty stories high and it would be impossible go through the entire building in one night. Ultimately I found myself in a room that held what simply looked like meaningless objects, it varied from scraps of metal to masks and weapons. Slowly I realized that they had to be little trophies from all the Titan's adventures.

"It looks like you Titans liked collecting trophies." I stated as I turned to face Dick who was currently leaning against the doorway with his hands in his jean pockets. His eyes held an expression that I couldn't read and as he stepped closer to me is was difficult to guess what he was thinking.

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