21| Gotham's Freaks

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After months of reworking Harley old jester costume that had been given to her by the Joker, I held the finished black and leather suit that Harley wanted in order to rework her image. She was tired of being thought of as The Joker's ex-girlfriend, and apparently a hair cut and new suit would help her accomplish exactly that.

The building was quiet, Selina had been gone for at least a week and since her fight with Harley Ivy was rarely seen. I quickly knocked on Harley's door before pushing it open.  

"Harley..."  I began to say before I froze in horror at the scene in front of me. It was like the ability to form words had left me at the sight of Harley and Ivy laying naked in bed together. There were vines curling around the bed and along the walls of the room and I decided to turn my attention to that as I looked away from them. "Sorry."

"Sparky! Is that my new suit?" Harley questioned as she leaped off the bed and headed towards me.

"Yeah, just finished it." I replied as I turned away and held the suit up towards her. Her hyenas were in the corner looking back at me with wide eyes, even after a couple of weeks of living with them they still managed to unsettle me. We often found them eating mysterious food, mostly meat that I had no real desire to learn its origins. 

Harley shrieked as she hugged the leather to her chest. "It's fucking amazing! You're a genius."

"I'm glad you like it." I said as I slowly began to take a couple of steps towards the door feeling terrible for interrupting such an intimate moment between the two. Though I wondered how long this had been going on. "Anyway I have to go."

Harley tilted her head to the side seeming truly confused by my words. "You don't wanna stay?"

I raised my eyebrows unsure of exactly what she was suggesting. It was difficult to read either Harley or Ivy's expressions. "I promised to meet Floyd at Penguins."

"Oh." Harley said with a pout. "Well, have fun!"

The moment the door shut in front of my I could hear Harley giggling on the other side. I didn't know how Harley and Ivy went from almost killing each other a couple of days ago to being in bed together. But the how hardly mattered, at least they were clearly on good terms with one another again.

And I felt happy for them, especially after everything that the both of them had been through the last couple of years. They deserved the happiness that they had now and hopefully it would last. Sometimes it felt that those moments of happiness and bliss were as rare as they were short. 


Floyd Lawton and I had slipped into a routine of meeting every Friday night. Some part of me knew that the girl I was before would have been horrified of the idea of sleeping with a well known killer. Floyd was heartless when it came to taking the money and getting the job done without any remorse. But in some twisted way we had found comfort in one another simply because we were able to ease the loneliness that we both felt. 

Now I felt that loneliness now more than ever with Selina gone. She had decided to chase after a lead in Rome, still after answers that she might never get. Was I in her position I wouldn't want to know where Falcone was my father or not. But I didn't understand. I had been raised with two loving parent's before they were killed, I didn't know what it was like to grow up abandoned on the streets of a city like Gotham. 

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