11| Wicked Games

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Normally I would have been unsettled attending a party where Gotham City's untouchable Crime Lord was in attendance. Tonight Johnny Vitto got married, the nephew to Carmine "The Roman" Maroni, he most powerful man in Gotham who was responsible for the city's corruption. This should have been unsettling but after having spent a night roaming through the halls of Arkham Asylum I could no longer be easily unsettled.

"Blend in, don't cause any trouble." Selina instructed as made our way through the crows who was beginning to gather at the center of the dance floor as the band began to play. While Selina and I were getting ready I initially felt that we were overdressed, now being among all these mob members and their families I felt incredibly undressed in my golden silk gown. These people were not hiding their wealth as it was on full display on all the women's necks which sparkled brightly.

"I think we've caused more trouble than Gotham can handle this week alone." I countered knowing that the night we went after Harley we effectively made Gotham more dangerous than before. Many of the inmates inside Arkham escaped include Deathstroke, Firefly, The Joker and others. Enough that we effectively doomed the city to more destruction and chaos. "I'll be good."

"Not too good." Selina replied with a smile before expertly disappearing within the sea of party guest.

As a waiter passed by I reached out taking a glass of champagne, although this wedding was a bore anything was better than being at our hideout. Things were still incredibly tense between Harley and Ivy since their falling out in Arkham. It was odd seeing them so distant towards one another, but it was expected after what happened.

Scanning the room my eyes suddenly landed on Selina who was in the arms of Bruce Wayne as they danced closely together. My shock didn't come from seeing them together but the fact that Bruce was here at all. There had to be a reason because Bruce Wayne would never be seen surrounded by the Falcone crime family. Whatever that reason was, it had nothing to do with what Selina and I are here for. The tense set in Bruce's shoulders told me that he was just as surprised to see her.

I continued to look throughout out all the party guest until my eyes landed on him, he stuck out like a sore thumb the way Bruce did. It was hard to place what made them stand out in a crowd. But Dick was nothing like all these dirty and ruthless people in the room. Whatever that quality was I watched him for a moment as his eyes seemed to scan the room, and without really thinking I found myself talking towards him.

"Looking for me Boy Wonder?" I questioned and as he turned around to face me the shock in his eyes was quickly masked by an unreadable expression. Dick seemed to study me for a moment almost like I was a stranger and in many ways I was. The girl that he knew had changed so much, that I almost couldn't remember the girl that I was before. After a moment I reached out straightening his tie, it was like I had no other choice but to satisfy my need to touch him. Even in such a meaningless way. "Are you going to ask me to dance? Or have you forgotten how to be gentleman?"

Wordlessly he wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me into the dance floor, far away enough from Selina and Bruce to ensure they wouldn't spot us right away. As we slowly swayed to the music it almost felt like before, if it wasn't for how tense he seemed. Dick truly looked like he would prefer for the ground to swallow him whole as he avoided any eye contact with me.

"Que pasa amor?" I whispered softly never letting my eyes stray away from Selina and Bruce. Whatever plans Bruce and Dick had tonight would undoubtedly interfere with Selina's. I was beginning to think that if there was a God her surely hated me as he kept placing me in Dick Grayson's path like this. "How about you ask the question that you want to ask?"

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