18| Lost Time

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It seemed that although not everyone in the building had initially wanted to be here, things were beginning to work themselves out. After a couple of weeks we had gotten into a routine that we all seemed comfortable, except for Jason who still seemed reluctant to call this place his home.

There was still a part of me that related to Jason and his desire to return to Gotham. I probably could never completely cut my ties to the city like Dick had been able to do. My ties simply ran too deep.

Even now as I sat on my bed sketchbook in hand my mind seemed to wonder back to the streets of Gotham.

"What are you doing?" Dick questioned as he changed out of his clothes to get ready for bed. Up until now we had remained quick, both of us clearly deep in our own thoughts to bring up much conversation.

"Sketching." I replied not bothering meet his eyes. After years of not designing any clothing of my own it was difficult to get back into the headspace that I did before when ideas and inspiration came so easily to me.

"I didn't know you still designed."

Weeks of hearing Gar complain about the fact that Jason was the only one with a suit, made it clear that it was time for Gar and Rachel to get their own suit. And although I did have a rough idea of what those suits would be it was Dick's new suit that I was currently working on. Although he didn't say it, her did seem to be going through some kind of identity crisis where he didn't exactly know what to do know that he wasn't Robin. "I got inspired."

Dick let himself fall back onto the bed before resting his head on my lap while trying to take the book out of my hands. "Can I see?"

"No." I stated as I shut my sketchbook and moving it away from his reach.

"I've been thinking a lot about Bruce and Selina." Dick said, his sudden change in conversation taking me by surprise. Especially because he didn't willing talk about Bruce Wayne, but whatever this was about has clearly been troubling him. He took my hand as he paused almost to gather his thoughts or maybe he regretted bringing up the subject at all."Did you know he was going to propose?"

The thought of Bruce and Selina being marries was one that I couldn't fully wrap my head around. Selina was always aware that Bruce's vow to protect Gotham would be above everything else, even her. "Even if he had Selina probably would have declined. We were always pretty different, but we did share the idea that the sentimentalities of weddings and marriage were pointless."

My words clearly upset Dick as he sat up looking at me with shock. "It isn't sentimental. Having a party in honor of the person you love? And the life you're staring together? The odds that you found each other in a world filled with eight million people and so much uncertainty. How is that not with celebrating?"

His words left me in a shock of my own, having never realized that this was a topic that Dick was clearly passionate about. This was a topic that I had never given much thought in the past, and even no I felt that it was a conversation that didn't need to be held. But this was very clearly something that Dick wanted to discuss in some way. "I'm guessing you have a dream wedding planned?"

Dick smiled as he moved across the bed to wrap his arms around me, placing his chin on my shoulder. "Imagine this. A beach. A sunset. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life, and I want to spend every day of my life making her feel the same way I do in this moment."

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