The Art of Sadness

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"The way sadness works is like a maze that I have to escape from. It's strange and it's hard to deal with," a man uttered, who was just sitting in front of me on the same table.

I suddenly had to think of that thought for a while- strange it is. It has the power to make us weak in no time. It makes us forget about the world or anything that revolves around us and just think about the reasons why we're feeling that way. Yet, sometimes, there are no reasons at all.

"It's like death by a thousand paper cuts, for everytime you remember something woeful, it's just another cut to your already damaged soul," I replied as I looked at him with a serious face. He just nodded in response.

Sometimes, the cause of sadness is our past or future. The other times, there is no past or future at all, just living by the moment. Every day is like the moment of waking into this new reality until your body can do no more, until sleep comes to rest your weary mind.

It would always flow through your veins until your mind comes to a dead end. Your once bright laugh will become hollow and your smile that usually flashes so quick to light up your face will just become a mask to protect yourself and hide the emotions that your soul is screaming.

"Because of it, no matter how bright the day was, I would feel no sun and hear no bird songs at all. It's like I'm completely absorbed to my own world," he said those words right when the tears started to come out from his eyes. I was speechless at that moment so I just smiled at him with a worried expression on my face to show sympathy.

I looked through the window beside our table and saw a young boy sitting under the tree. It was a street kid who lives around the city and fights for his own survival. He seemed sad ang lonely while placing his hands on his tummy. From that, I can tell that he's very hungry.

Watching the kid makes me feel sad as if I deeply know how he feels. But it changed when a stranger walked near him and handed him food. The kid suddenly flashed a smile on his face and I can tell that he's happy. My heart was really flattered seeing that wholesome moment.

Suddenly, a bright thought came out of my mind- no matter how much sadness can be a poison to your own spirit, no matter how strong it is to kill your other emotions until it's the only one that's left, it will fade away. It will fade like the morning mist when the sun comes up. Like daylight when it enters twilight. The scars will eventually heal if you trust the time. Aside from that, you will know that there are people who will be there for you, even if you're not expecting them to.

"But just like what Jean de La Fontaine said, sadness flies away on the wings of time. It won't go on forever," I said.

"I admire how you still keep on choosing to see how bright the day was although you can't feel the sun's heat. I admire how you still play that strange maze of sadness although it makes you lost. You are quite of a brave person, aren't you? One day, your sadness will give up on your bravery." I stretched my lips to show a genuine smile and then I saw him wipe his tears away. He smiled back at me- enough to show his hope and determination.

You're like a seed that grows into a plant after the rain. Because when your sadness fades away, it will then cast a stronger version of you.

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