Let Me Show You My Hidden Waves

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You are the sky that I could admire for a lifetime, but I don't think you would feel the same for me. I always look up to you but I'm just right down here, perhaps being too unnoticeable. What can a sky see in me, anyway? I am just someone who watches your art in every time of a day like no one else. And you will never know that.

You will never know how I feel so alive seeing you shine in every morning-those mixed hues of orange and yellow that are enough for my heart to appreciate. Even the birds sing their song of joy seeing your masterpiece.

You will never know how my eyes sparkle like the stars at night as I talk to you. How you would ease my mind whenever I feel your presence. In the cold breeze of night time, I don't know how you give me warmth. Even if you're facing me as a moon- you are still as warm as a sun.

I've always wanted to listen to your hurricane of thoughts and help you sort it all out until it becomes a calm wind. I want to see your thunders and lightnings so I could know you deeper. I want to be there during your downfall until you unleash a rain of tears. I want to dive the largest ocean and discover your depth, but you will never know about this. You will never know how I'm willing to see your dark side just to appreciate you more.

I'm still grateful for getting to know you even though you might never see me like how I see you, because I enjoy those every little moments that I've always had with you- those moments where I get to witness your beauty of art that left me speechless. What's inside of you is a wonderful creation that you may never realize, but I'm here writing this, hoping for you to know that.

I know, there are times that the moon will eventually leave and stop shining in the dark night, but I know it will come back. And I am willing to wait for it- to wait for you.

You make me smile and that's more than enough. Being able to admire you is more than enough. I won't expect for the universe to make us work like how any other things in nature should stay as it is. Because I'm just a sea that is only meant to be reaching for the moon that I can't have and can't even touch. And that moon is you- I'm reaching for you, and you will never know that.

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