Art of the Mighty

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I am a piece of jigsaw puzzle, wondering where I belong. Most of the time, I get lost. The other times, I am somewhere I don't fit in. Surrounding myself with the other pieces makes me feel complete. But the artist wouldn't let me stay longer—wouldn't be satisfied until I'm removed out of them. No matter how hurtful it is to lose others that are attached to me. How much pain I have to endure when a piece of my heart will fall slowly.

Most puzzles are in such chaos, full of hurricanes and thunderstorms that I had to encounter. The others are pushing me away. I've been through a lot, but I have never stayed in one art—like clouds in the sky, unconciously taking off because of the wind that is continuingly blowing it away.

"Have you ever wondered about the other pieces of yourself?" Someone asked. It is hard to find when you don't know where to start. It is hard to find when you don't even know what you are as a whole.

I wandered and wandered until I found pieces of a puzzle that are seemingly broken. They looked like they belong together, but a lot of pieces were missing. I observed more deeply until I realized that it was me. The almost perfect and unfinished puzzle was supposed to be me. It looked miserable and despairing, making me wonder how I abandoned it and chose to colorize other else's life instead of mine.

Parts of me were trying to fit in with the other puzzles without realizing that those decisions were meant to break myself. Almost nothing was left. I was busy trying to complete someone else's art without realizing that I, myself was slowly fading.

"To find where you belong is to find yourself; to find yourself is to accept and love what you really are," the artist uttered.

After hearing those words, I let the artist place me into the puzzle. I felt more complete than ever. I fit in perfectly. It was very fulfilling that I wanted to find the other pieces and hold it back together again. This is the first time I thought of something for myself. The first time I have ever felt like home. I smiled as I looked up to the artist. He was very determined to complete me.

"You were lost because it's the only way to find yourself. You were lost but never have I neglected you in your journey. Now that you finally found where you belong, let me help you complete your own puzzle and show you how I made you as a very wonderful art—more astonishing and beautiful than you think. So don't lose your faith," said the artist named God.

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