The Illusion of Pain

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You once see love as sunshine and rainbows but now, your eyes are open of how it's flashing the colors of black and white-dark and misty like an eerie forest.

You became afraid of it, like how you're afraid of the dark. It feels as if once you risk yourself for it, the darkness will eventually overcome your soul. The once beaming light you've seen in this room have finally turned it switch off. You've seen darkness before, the kind that makes any sceneries look like an old fashioned photograph, everything is a shade of grey. This isn't like that. This is the darkness that robs you of your best sense and replaces it with a paralysing fear.

You're afraid of it, like how you're afraid of heights. It feels as if you're walking on a tightrope with a goal to land your feet onto the next mountain, but in every step comes the wind of doubt that strokes your body-enough to make you out of balance. The once indestructible bridge had broken and fallen, now all that's left is the taut and vulnerable rope to walk through.

Now anyone who dares to walk into your world had received unending rain. Any flower that tries to plant themselves in your backyard slowly vanishes. The trees that used to bloom so much have their leaves dry by and by. Because you never let them-you always try to escape from their world sticking to yours. You're afraid to be attached again, just to be left alone in the end. You're afraid to spend another gloomy nights, just to waste another tears for people who won't even care.

Now you should know-you were never afraid of the dark, you were afraid of what's in it. You were never afraid of heights, you were just afraid of falling. You were never afraid of people, you were just afraid of being rejected. You were never afraid of love, you were just afraid of the same old pain.

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