It's No Wonder Why I Love Rain

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It's these days again when the daylight would hide behind the clouds that are spatting out their beads of water onto the ground. When I could hear the tapping on the roof 'til it becomes a pitter-patter. Where I could watch through the window, tears in my eyes following their flow as it stream down my  cheeks that is so used to feel every salty drop rolling down my chin. This weather brings more melancholy in me, and so as companion that anyone would ask for. I could see the way the surroundings would darken in gloom as it reflects the emotions I have in my heart. I could hear the murmuring of rain, the same as how my thoughts would whisper in my head unceasingly—reminding me how unwanted I am in this world full of hate. Then the rainfall will become more intense, like how it is when I'm in the middle of breaking down. Like how it feels to swallow all the hurtful words emerging from their vile mouth. Later on, the lightning would strike a brilliant shock of white in the graphite sky, causing me to wait for the roaring sound of thunder as if a giant creature is rolling a hard and heavy ball above the sky—enough to scare the few. Just like how my memories would flash and be followed by hidden rage and voices engulfed in flames of unexpressed emotions.

It's no wonder why I love rain so much because of how I can see myself in it. It's no wonder why its coldness of air roaming around the city would give warmth inside me. It's no wonder why no matter how anyone else would hate on this weather, it wouldn't be a bother to me. The rain can't please everyone, it can never will. Yet it will still keep on coming back to give life to those in need. No matter how others see it as something unfortunate and a drawback; it still can give it all to make the plants grow. It still can save someone who's suffering from a burning hot weather by a blazing sun. People might always notice the negative characteristics of rain to turn it down, but there will still be someone like me who appreciates its positive side and undeniable beauty. In that way, the rain reminds me how I can give life to some part of this world no matter how others throw stones at me. It keeps on reminding me that I should not give up. Just like the rain, I should still keep on coming back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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