~{Chapter 3}~

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Darryl returned with a bowl of mac and cheese.

"Dang, you guys have good food."

"What have you been eating?" He asked.

"Bread," I said. "Also, how do you expect me to eat this?" I gestured to my hands.

"Oh, right," Darryl said. "I could feed you?"

"What? No, that's weird, I'm not a baby," I said.

"I mean, you do kinda look like one," He squinted.

"I do not," I said, "Cant you just untie my hands so I can eat?"

"Fine," Darryl agreed.

Darryl reached around me to my wrists. He smelled clean, unlike me. "You guys have showers?"

"Yeah, it's not good or anything but it works," He said.

I stretched my arms. "That feels much better." I grabbed the bowl and started eating.

I stopped, looking up at Darryl who was staring at me. "Hello..?"

"Sorry, I just have to make sure you dont try anything," He explained.

"I understand, it's just kind of uncomfortable while I'm trying to eat," I said.

"Yeah, that makes sense," He said.

"Hey, wheres our stuff anyway?"

"Oh, it's in our storage room," He told me.

I hummed and continued eating. "So, when can we get out of here?"

"I dunno, that's up to Clay," He said.

"Oh, I see."

"Your friends seem to sleep a lot," He said.

"I guess so," I looked at the two of them.

Darryl grabbed my bowl, seeing I was done. "Cya later Zak." He stood up and left the cell.

"Bye," I waved as he locked the door before leaving.

I realized he forgot to tie my wrists after I was finished. I stood up, it felt good to be able to walk around again. The bars were spread out and I could fit my head through. I looked both ways down hallways. There was nothing so I pulled my head back.

I leaned against the wall, sighing. I looked back at the bars. I might be able to fit through them. I was pretty skinny. I shimmied my way through the bars. It was a tight squeeze but I managed to escape.

Where do I go now? I looked back at Vincent and Finn. I'll come back for them. I just started walking down the hallway, not knowing where else to go.

I opened the first door in the hall and peaked inside the room. It looked like someones bedroom. There was a messy bed, a desk with papers on it, and a closet. I stepped inside and looked around.

I jumped when I heard footsteps outside the door. I ran into the closet and hid behind some clothes. My heart was beating fast, scared I would be caught. I went as far back as I could when a hand reached into the closet. They grabbed something then shut the closet.

I moved to look out through the cracks. It was Darryl. This is his room? I watched as Darryl removed his shirt. I squeaked, covering my eyes.

The closet door opened. "Zak?" I heard Darryl say.

I looked up quickly. "S-Sorry! I promise I'm not a creep," I stuttered.

"Of course your not, but why are you in my closet?" He asked, confused. "Also, how did you get out?"

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