~{Chapter 6}~

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I stared in shock at the three limp bodies. I need help, now. I ran down the hall and burst through the boys' room. They looked at me, suprised.

"What's wrong Darryl?" Zak asked.

"Um..I need help," I said. "All three of you come."

"Okay," They said.

I showed them the balcony.

"Jesus christ," Zak said.

"Can you help me carry them?" I asked them.

"Sure," Vincent picked up the brunette.

Me and Zak got George and Finn dragged the blonde. We set them down on three beds. I bandaged George's neck and the ones wrist.

"Hey, wheres Nick and Clay?" Zak asked.

"Nick's asleep, Clay is..I dont know," I said.

"Okay," Zak said.


I had him.

Tommy was pinned against the edge, that was it for him. Somehow he was able to flip us, and he pushed me off.

I heard George shout my name as a fell. He watched over the railing as I hit the ground.

My body ached all over. I cursed under my breath. I heard yelling from above. I tried to move but it hurt too much.

Someone looked down at me. Two hands grabbed my wrists and started to drag me away. The hell?

I was dragged for some time when they eventually stopped. They knocked on the wooden building we were outside of.

The door opened, "You're back, what did you find? Oh god, they're bleeding!"

There was silence for a moment.

"Fine, we can help them."

This time I was picked up and carried inside. I was sat down in a chair. I hissed in pain when they touched my arm.

"Oh, you're awake."

I opened my eyes and looked around. It looked like a small cabin.

"Hey, you alright?" The person asked.

"N-No," My voice was raspy.

They went to grab my mask. "Dont touch that!"

"Okay, sorry," They said, "Did you get in a fight with someone? You were outside the dream base."

"You idiot, I am Dream," I said.

"Mega!" The other boy poked his head into the room. "This isnt just some guy, its Dream!"

His eyes widened. He shook his head, walking into the room. He had a striped black and blue hoodie on. A green scarf covered the lower half of his face.

"Who are you two?" I asked.

"I'm Zelk and hes Mega," He pointed to the scarfed boy who stood beside him.

"Thanks for helping me," I said.

"Really? I thought you would've been mad," Zelk said.

"No, I was stuck there and Mega helped," I said.

Mega nodded. He made weird movements with his hands. 'I just found him and wanted to help'

"Is that sign language?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah," Zelk said. "Mega's mute."

Mega nodded. 'I'm selectively mute, so I can talk.'

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