~{Chapter 10}~

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I raised my hands. "H-Hey Clay, I dont have a weapon."

"Yeah right," Clay moved close to me.

"Woah Clay, I'm only sixteen."

"I'm searching you, dumbass," He said. He patted my pockets. "So you just left without a knife or anything?"

"No, two idiots wouldnt let me leave with it."

Clay hummed. He pointed the sword at me.

"I am an unarmed man, you have no reason to hurt me."

"Actually, I think pushing me off a balcony is a pretty good reason," He said.

"Heh, well we don't have to talk about that," I said.

He poked me with the sword.

"Ow- you cut me," I said.

"Yes, I can see that," He said unamused.

"Now put the sword down," I said.

As soon as he lowered the sword I made my move. I punched him across the face and then ran by him. "Ha! Get fooled bitch!"

I ran around a corner and quickly haulted to a stop when somehow Clay was already there. "How?!"

He smirked. "You really think you're slick huh?"

I looked behind me and then back at him. "But- how did you-?" I was extremely confused.

He chuckled, then pointed the sword at my throat.

"How 'bout we make a deal Clay," I said. "I go back to where I was, and you dont kill me."

"Go on then," Clay said.

I walked back, the sword pointed at me the whole time.

"Welcome back," Zelk said. He saw Clay come in after me. "Oh I see."

"Dont let him leave," Clay ordered, then turned and left.

"Alright," Zelk said, "Your friend is awake." He nodded towards Tubbo.

"Tubbo!" I ran over to him.

"Tommy you're back! Where did you go?" Tubbo said.

"We dont need to talk about that," I said. "What we need to talk about is," I whispered, "Do you still have the pistol I told you to hide?"

"Yeah of course," He pulled it out from under his belt.

"What are you doing?!" I freaked out, covering the gun with my hands.

"What? You asked if I had it," He said.

"Yeah, not to get it out! Put it away before they see!" I whisper-yelled.

"Oh okay," He put it back.

I sighed, "You're a real idiot sometimes."

"Yeah.. I know," He said.

I looked back to see if the two were looking. They had their backs turned from us.

"Okay, hand me the gun," I held out my hand.

"Okay," He pulled out the pistol again and handed it to me.

"Sinse plan A didnt work this is plan B, basically we threaten them all with a gun," I said.

"What was plan A?" He asked.

"I was going to try and raid their supplies, but got caught," I explained.

《Survival》 ▪︎Skephalo-DreamNotFound▪︎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن