~{Chapter 22}~

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I stretched and opened my eyes. I sat up, and immediately something felt off. I looked next to me and Clay wasn't there. I left to check the other room and my eyes widened.

Clay was laying on the ground in the middle of the room. His whole left side was black now. "C-Clay?"

His head turned and I covered my mouth to stop a gasp. The one side of his face was black too, a gleaming purple eye stared back at me.

And then it hit me, those things, endermen, were once human. They were turned into those creatures by another. And now Clay was too.

"George.." His voice was rasp and weak. "You need to get me back."

"I know I know! Oh god what do I do," I pulled at my hair, freaking out at the situation.

Clay stood up shakily and turned to me. I knew it was Clay, but I still cowered in fear. He put his hands on my shoulders. "Get it- get it together George, I'm trusting you with my life here. I know you can do it, just get me back to the base."

"O-Okay, I got you Clay," I said. I only grabbed Clay axe before running out with him on my back. I was sure Clay was heavier than me, but I somehow managed to run through the trees while carrying him.

It felt like an hour before I entered the clearing of our base. I breathed heavily, exhausted from running so much, but Clay still needed help so I pressed forward. I knocked furiously on the front door.

"Hey- oh my god!" It was Zak, not exactly who I wanted to answer.

"Get Nick, Darryl, someone who can help with this!" I said.

He nodded and ran. I brought Clay inside and set him down.

"Zak said it was an emergency," Darryl ran up next to me.

"Clay needs help, now," I said.

Darryl gasped, "Oh my goodness what happened to him?"

"An enderman got him," I said.

"This is.. I have no idea what to do," He shook his head.

"Get Mega maybe? He healed me," I said.

"That's true," Darryl quickly ran off.

I looked down at Clay. I could see the slow rise and fall of his chest.

"Okay, Mega's here," Darryl said.

Mega made motions with his hands.

"Oh shoot Clay's the one who knows sign language, what do we do?" I said.

Mega facepalmed. He waved his hands infront of us. He pointed at Clay's body and then to the door.

"You want us to take him back outside?" I asked.

He shook his head, and pointed outside again.

"I think his talking about Zelk, he needs Zelk," Darryl said.

"Yeah, he'll understand," I said.

Mega opened the door and pulled out a crossbow. Aiming it at the sky he shot it up into the air. It exploded into red sparks, a firework.

"Is that supposed to get Zelk?" I said.

Mega nodded.

"So we wait? It doesn't look like we have time for that," Darryl said.

Mega looked at Clay. He grabbed at Clay's pants.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" I said.

Mega pulled out a pen and paper and wrote something, then he handed it to me.

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