~{Chapter 19}~

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I walked through trees, cutting any leaves or vines that got in my way. I didn't know where I was going other than forwards.

After about half a day of walking, I settled next to a small mountain.

I need to make shelter before dark.

I took out my pickaxe. I swung forward at the stone on the mountain. I continued doing that until I created a small cave I could rest in. It was small, just enough room to fit.

I lit two torches and placed them inside to light the place up. I pulled out a blanked and laid it down in the corner of my new home. That was going to be my bed.

After settling in I went back outside to gather some things. The trees' branches served as a nice overhang outside my cave, so I walked a little farther away to collect wood.

Swinging my axe I chopped down small trees. When I was done I realized the sun was setting. "Shit." It wasn't a good thing to be out in the dark all alone.

I couldn't run too fast or I'd get tired since my bag was full of heavy logs.

I stopped when I saw something not too far from the home I made. It was tall and lanky, black with glowing purple eyes. An enderman.

It was too late to look away, its mouth opened and moved toward me. I dodged as it swung its arm at me. It suddenly teleported directly in front of me. Taking me by surprise, it tried again, this time it didn't miss. It cut through my hoodie and into my skin.

I let out a scream in pain as I stumbled back. I grabbed the loaded crossbow off my back and fired it at the thing. It had a horrific scream as it disappeared, only purple dust that looked like it almost sparkled stayed.

I looked around but it was gone. Still holding my side with one hand, I limped toward where the enderman once was. The was something laying in the grass. I picked it up, it was a blueish green color. An ender pearl.

It was said if you threw it you would be teleported wherever it landed. I put it in my bag and limped the rest of the way back.

I sat on the cold rock floor. I finally looked at the damage to my side. There were three big cuts along my side. I was shocked to see the cuts were black. Of course they were also bleeding like crazy.

"What the hell?" I touched the wound. I hissed in pain. I decided to ignore it and wrapped it up with the bandages I brought.

I sighed and leaned back against the wall. I pulled out the wood I collected and laid a plank on the opening as a makeshift door.

I made a small fire and cooked some beef I took. After eating some I laid down on my blanket, using my backpack as a pillow. I hope they're all doing okay without me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"Yo this someone's house?"

There were voices outside.

"I dunno, it looks pretty sad."

"We should leave it, they could be dangerous."

"They would've heard us by now, it's probably empty. We should just go in and see if we can take anything."

It sounded like three guys.

"Vurb wait!"

"Oh- this is awkward."

I sat looking at three guys as they stared back at me.

《Survival》 ▪︎Skephalo-DreamNotFound▪︎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon