Chapter 3 : My Love

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Back at the apartment, Minju took out another packet of blood just to see that only two more of them were left.

She took out her phone and dialed someone while sipping on the packet in her hand.

"Yuri-ah" Minju spoke into the phone "I'm running out of them. Can you send two more boxes?"

Yuri was Minju's friend. And yes, she was also a vampire.

Despite being one, Yuri was a doctor who worked at a hospital and have connections to Korea's Blood Supply Association which was a group supplying blood packets to vampires.

"What? You just ordered two boxes last month. Don't tell me you've finished them already?" Yuri said in her Busan accent.

Although she had lived for hundreds of years, the girl could never fix her accent.

"Yeah. Just send me two more boxes"

"Wow..... What is Chaewon doing? You can get some of her blood you know?" Yuri stated in a matter of fact way.

"She's tired with university and all. I don't want to weaken her" Minju shrugged.

"What a nice girlfriend you are"

"Obviously. You should tone down the sucking action on Yena too" Minju chuckled as she remembered Yuri's girlfriend "Last time I saw her, she had bite marks all over her neck"

"Aish shut the fuck up" Yuri retorted before continuing to speak  "I'll send you two boxes by tomorrow"

Minju laughed, knowing that her friend was already blushing at the mention of the duck.

"Changing the subject huh?"

"I swear to god Kim Minju. If you don't fucking shut up, you can forget about your goddamn blood packets"

Minju muttered a 'sorry' in between laughters and hung up.

There was a silence in the apartment as she was the only one there. She looked around the empty place. The apartment she shared with Chaewon suddenly looked big due to the lack of presence of its other occupant.

Now what should she do? Watch the TV? Nah there's nothing interesting. How about thinking about Chaewon? Yup, totally.

Minju wasn't jobless. She was just taking a few days off at the moment. The girl does modeling gigs, using her flawless proportions and visuals to bring out the best points in every clothing.

No wonder many magazines were dying to get her to model for them.

She glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost 4 in the evening. How time passed by. Chaewon's classes for the day were almost over.

(Yes, she remembered the schedule of her 'Chae' by heart)

She decided to surprise the girl by going to pick up her girlfriend at her university.

Taking a shower and changing into a pair of denim shorts and a black v neck shirt tucked in, Minju looked at herself in the mirror for one last time before locking the apartment.

Minju was in a giddy mood. It has been a while since they've gone out on a date. Saying that she was excited was an understatement.

Skipping in her steps as she walked to Chaewon's university, she was smiling from ear to ear.

Eventually, she reached the campus and obviously, attracted the attention of the students who were mesmerized by her beauty.

Minju ignored them, only focusing on finding her girl.

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