Blue Flames

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word count: 2,435

warnings: heavy smut, strong language, daddy kink, dirty talk

description: J teaches Reader a lesson about obedience.

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The small bedroom was silent except for the soft patter of raindrops against the windowpanes

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The small bedroom was silent except for the soft patter of raindrops against the windowpanes. It was past midnight and well into the early morning hours when you dragged yourself to bed.  

You shuffled across the little bedroom and felt your way to the bed in the dark. You removed only your pajama bottoms before climbing in bed beside J. The air was frigid. You tossed and turned beneath the sheets and shivered from the cold. You frowned in the dark as you felt a slight twinge of irritation begin to set in. The last time you checked, this was your house and your bedroom. But the room was kept cold at J's insistence and he was already knocked out in your bed because he hadn't slept in days (whose fault was that?).

It had taken more arguing than necessary to get J in the bed to begin with. He was horribly recalcitrant whenever you wanted to do the opposite of him. He had come home expecting you to clamber into bed with him without so much as a second thought, but instead you had vehemently denied him. You weren't going to sleep until the movie you were watching was over. You didn't expect him to get so pissed off about that, but J had his tantrums here and there. Since you wouldn't come to bed when he asked and because he was notabout to watch some movie he didn't give two shits about or know what was even going on having came in in the middle of it, he shut himself in the bedroom and surprisingly fell asleep. You had found him like that, lying splayed out on his back, half-dressed, face-paint still on as he was piled up on your pillows and sheets. The perspective was humorous to say the least, like he was pouting over the fact that you hadn't done what he wanted and instead dug in his heels and been stubborn where he didn't need to be.

You were glad he was getting some rest. You couldn't remember the last time you had noticed him asleep. He didn't do so very often and the more you tried to urge him to lay down for a few minutes at a time, the more heavily he denied and would tell you 'he didn't need to' or he 'wasn't tired'. The human body can only function so long without sleep and try as he might to hide it, J was not as inhuman as he led the world to believe. The world fed into that belief and only bolstered his ego and drove him to pushing his own limits far too often. You weren't as gullible as the rest of the world. J was just a man. A man, albeit with a very different and complicated mind.

Inside the bed, your reaching arms wrapped around him and drew him into a warm embrace. You sighed blissfully as J's fingers dug into your back. Even in his sleep he knew you were there with him. You nudged J's head back and once he complied, you began to press soft kisses to his cool skin.

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