Sweet Dreams

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word count: 1,992

warnings: nudity, language

description: Reader hasn't had a proper night's rest in days; J tries some unconventional methods.

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You propped yourself up on your elbows with much strain, moaning drowsily

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You propped yourself up on your elbows with much strain, moaning drowsily. It was about this time every night whenever you would wake, blinking blearily to clear your cloudy vision and have a look about the room. You hadn't had a full night's sleep in days. On any given night you averaged anywhere from five to seven hours of sleep which was hardly enough for you regardless of the fact that you kept waking up mid-dream. It was beginning to grate on your nerves. You were exhausted during the daytime and you hadn't enough time to nap. You could neither getto sleep or stayasleep; you couldn't tell if you were tired from the lack of sleep itself or the irritation you were feeling at the entire situation.

The man sleeping beside you cleared his throat and you turned to look over your shoulder at J who was staring at you intensely, his dark eyes sharp and attentive as though he hadn't been sleeping at all and he probably hadn't, "what, ah...are ya doin' up at this hour again,sweets?"

You opened your mouth, prepared to tell him how completely preposterous his question was since you obviously had no idea of an answer, when he looked at you with such ardor that it made you shiver as a warmth spread through your chest. You drew in a breath when a new feeling of emotional alertness jolted you awake and you surged forward to wrap your arms tight around him, kissing 'I love you's onto his lips.

J kissed back with a sureness of his own. You loved the way his bare lips felt, free of any paint that would only stand in your way from the man you loved with all your heart. You longed to be close to him like this more often. Every time you kissed him put your next breath into your lungs. You needed him in ways you could never explain to another person and you would never want to anyway. The love you shared with J was not for the world to know. What was between you and him was exactly that.

"Was it...the, uh, nightmaresagain?" J queried, "or the heat?"

You shrugged, "neither. I just can't get my thoughts to slow down enough. It's all just jumbled nonsense and racing ideas and pictures...usually it's not like that at all. But lately I just can't quiet down enough to sleep."

J watched attentively as you got up from the bed and went into the bathroom and shut the door. He had deliberately chosen not to sleep because he knew you weren't. It might've been more practical if he had slept a bit so that he would be more awake to keep watch, but he wasn't feeling tired either. He didn't like seeing you like this, nor did he like not knowing why you weren't able to sleep. He had tried everything in the past few days: took all the blankets off the bed so that you only had one and weren't too hot, turned on the fan but it had dried out the air too much and hurt your throat, made sure you hadn't eaten anything too close to bedtime and many more ideas he'd had to try and curb your inability to sleep through the night. Nothing had completely solved the problem and he could tell by your facial expression that it was frustrating you much more than it was him.

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