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word count: 1,212

warnings: death mention (dark humor/joke)

description: A well-rested J is a pleasant J and he uses this new mood to crack jokes at reader's expense; J keeps reader warm as they share a bed.

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You shivered uncomfortably and rubbed at your exposed arms in a weak attempt to warm yourself up before shimmying underneath the nest of fuzzy blankets that were forgiving of the crisp morning air

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You shivered uncomfortably and rubbed at your exposed arms in a weak attempt to warm yourself up before shimmying underneath the nest of fuzzy blankets that were forgiving of the crisp morning air. The sweltering July and August heat had spoiled you; come September, things were beginning to cool off and your body was ill-prepared. You had not even a proper duvet on your bed to ward off the autumnal temperatures and as you sought heat in the body lying next to you, you silently pondered the worth of crawling out of your snug cocoon to retrieve one.

You whimpered softly as you turned over in bed and your back pressed up against J's side before he shifted and pulled you in. Unfazed by the dropping temperatures, J slept unusually sound in nothing but his boxers and a black tee. You'd have laughed at him for it, surely, if you hadn't been so desperate for his body heat. He ran hot and was your own personal space heater in the winter months; it had been too long since the last time you'd needed his warmth that you'd nearly forgotten its necessity.

When you'd rolled over, your back connected with J's chest and the sudden movement woke him just enough for him to get his arms around your middle before he felt himself drifting off again. The way your body moved beneath the sheets did not unsettle him any longer. He had grown used to it after months of the same old routine. J was a light sleeper and would naturally wake any time you made any excessive movements, but the times where he would practically jump out of his skin with a racing heart and bared teeth were no more.

You made a soft noise as you squirmed, trying to get comfortable. You finally settled and rested on your back with J's large arms around you. You could feel every breath he took as you laid on his chest; a gentle, peaceful hum emanated from him and you felt it reverberate through your connecting bodies.


You said his name so quietly it was no wonder he didn't hear you the first time. His nose crinkled slightly and you imagined, for a moment, he was about to sneeze but then his expression relaxed as he slumbered on.

"J," you repeated yourself a bit more forcefully.

This time he shifted, a soft groan escaping past his parted lips as he started to stir. He cleared his throat and forced out a tiny giggle, "What is...hap-pen-ing,sweets?" his arms tightened around you, albeit slightly uncomfortably as he pressed an animated smooch against your temple, "For your sake ya better have a good reason for, ah...wakin' me."

A full-body shiver was the only answer you could offer J. You could tell he was amused by this as he watched you attempt to tuck your legs underneath yourself and huddle against his body. Your hands and feet were like ice and your eyes pleaded with J to take the hint and give you what you needed. Your smaller frame exhibited every tell-tale sign save for your teeth chattering and that was not too far off, you could tell. The room was too cold for you to sleep in comfortably without stealing some of J's warmth.

From the growing smirk on his face, however, you knew were not spared of the teasing, "what are ya doin', sweets?" J snorted as he watched you, a glint full of humor in his eye, "actin' like we're in the middle of, ahthe frozen tundraout here or somethin'."

"J, I'm really not in the mood for-"

"Guess I'll have-tah start a fire so we don't die from hypothermia."

You scoffed, "J, its September, I really don't think we have to worry about that yet and I-"

"If ya keep shiverin' that much you'll create enough heat for the bothof us."

You narrowed your eyes at him, frowning despite the growing desire to laugh at his dark jokes (at which he told in moderation for your own peace of mind), "are you done? You get it out of your system yet?"

His playful smirk soon unraveled into little giggles as he dipped his head and kissed your forehead, "A'right, a'right...I'm, ah...done. For now."

J's head dropped heavily against the pillow as he laid back against it at full force. He rarely slept for as long as he had and you were always pleased at the effect a full amount of rest had upon the man; his joking and laughter put you at ease.

You retained your position on top of him as he spread out across your sheets, one leg sticking haphazardly out from beneath the thick duvet. He tossed himself around recklessly as he fought to get comfortable once more, jarring and jostling you around as you giggled like mad. The domesticity of the moment was not lost on you.

J lifted the duvet up with his arm for you to comfortably snuggle closer, hiding your body even further from view of any outside eye. Had anyone else been in the room, they'd have only seen J lying there and none would be the wiser. Only J knew of the way your tired and shivering body clung to his or how your eyelids drooped once the sheets began to warm up around you and you could finally feel your shudders begin to dissipate. He knewyou were there and that was the reason J felt content. You were safe, and so was he.

He made a soft sound when you squeezed his torso, holding him close so that, should he dare try to move out from under you, you'd surely feel it. The amount of times you'd awoken to an empty bed, the bedsheets in a cold heap at your side and J's usual spot vacant upset you greatly. Nottonight. You would not let him go. Why should you? As selfish as J was (enough for bothof you), you were bound to have some of that behavior rub on you as well; you didn't care. You didn't have it in yourself to care whether you were selfish or not for wanting to wake up in the morning and find him right where you left him. That way, you knew he was safe and, though you hated to admit it, you knew he was alive. J would have laughed in your face had you divulged such a raw, intimate fear, but it was true. So long as he stayed with you through the night, he was here, and therefore by default he would be alive. What J did within the city you did not know, but he warned you not to worry about him...and still, you did.

You wouldn't be you without your worries and little anxieties; J knew it well, but it never kept him out of trouble. Trouble followed J wherever he went and sometimes things never change.

J's rough, callused hands rubbed the length of your back, beneath your shirt, as he coaxed a lengthy moan from your lips, "sleep, doll," he whispered to you, taking comfort in the warm weight of your body, "you're, Ya should be warm enough now."

You were.

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