Beautiful One

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word count: 1,800

warnings: body insecurity + thunderstorm phobia + soft J (can you believe it?)

description: "He knew what you were afraid of and he knew he could never tell you enough times of your beauty to change your mind, yet something still gave him the nerve to lean in close and whisper while you slept "beautiful one."

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The rain poured relentlessly, battering against the windows and the sides of the house

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The rain poured relentlessly, battering against the windows and the sides of the house. It was thunderously loud but oddly comforting to you. The sound was loud enough to drown out your thoughts which rumbled and roared within your mind almost as loud as thunder itself. You could feel the haze of sleep beginning to take you. Heaviness pulled at your eyelids and you struggled to keep them open. You finally relented and let them close, just as you felt warm arms come around you and pull you into a solid chest.

You cooed softly and opened your eyes again, much to your disappointment. You'd almost been there. Almost made it to sleep. It wouldn't have devastated you so terribly if you hadn't been trying to get a decent night's sleep for nearly three days. You tossed and turned every night and just when you were starting to get comfortable you were wrenched out of sleep's grasp and thrown into another's.

J had for some reason decided in that exact moment he needed attention. You huffed, clear annoyance on your face, though you let him get close. You made no attempt at hugging him back like you normally did. You felt yourself inadvertently tense in his arms whenever he touched you and a look of horror came onto your face which you hoped you had effectively masked when he squeezed your thigh. Your heightened awareness of where his hands were only made things worse. You didn't want him to touch you. You wanted him to let go. It was instinct to pull away, shake him off like a pesky insect that was trying to latch on. You resigned yourself to it instead and let him have his way. It was easier that way; you didn't have to acknowledge anything or tell him what was the matter. He wouldn't get it anyway.

It was clear to J that he'd made a mistake. His arms loosened around your body and he propped himself up as he looked down at you. His lips were drawn up in a small grin and his hair fanned out over his shoulders, "you're-ah...angry. What is it this time?"

There was no malice or cruelty in his voice. Just amusement. His voice was like always and you took comfort in that. He never treated you differently whenever he picked up on a change in your moods. He talked to you the same as he always did. He wasn't expecting a real answer out of you. You rarely ever got one from him when you asked and J didn't expect any less from you.

You blinked at him and turned over onto your side. J's body caged you as he laid back down and spooned against you from behind, "I was almost asleep. You woke me up."

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