5 | Twelve Demon Moons

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"Get down!" Yushiro yelled and grabbed me and mom to the side

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"Get down!" Yushiro yelled and grabbed me and mom to the side . There were flying balls, destroying the room. The balls went back outside then heard a cackle.

A woman that had the same hair color the same hair as Tanjiro's but had tips and the a boy that had eyes on his hands.

The girl cackled. We can't see them behind all this fog. We could hear the balls hiting the house.

The fog cleared up, the girl was holding temari. "Isn't that one of Kibutsuji's minions mom?" I whisper with wide eyes. She nodded.

The balls came back into the room. A ball was going to hit mother but Yushiro protected her. It dodged him, hitting him in the head. "Yushiro!" Tanjiro and I shouted.

He fell into me and mothers arms. I felt his hand gripping onto mines slightly tight. Tanjiro told Nezuko to get the lady inside safe outside. Mother told her to take her in the basement.

"Miss Tamayo, Y/n! Please find a place to hide! I'm the one those demons are after!" Tanjiro shouted. "Tanjiro, I want you to fight without worrying about us. We'll be fine without your protection..... since we're demons.

"Yushiro..." I said sadly. I watched him as he slowly generates. He stuttered something. "Lady Tamayo!" He grunted

"Anyone who ruins the time I spend alone with you... I despise such people!".

'Should I be offended or...' I thought as Yushiro fully generated.

"It's unforgivable!" He shouted. Then the girl cackled.

"To be killed by me, one of the Twelve Demon Moons...You should be honored!" She shouted. "Twelve Demon Moons?" Tanjiro questioned.

"They serve directly under Kibutsuji!" Mother explained. As she said that, the demon grew
4 more arms.

"She grew more arms!?" I shouted with my jaw dropped. "Now then, let's keep playing! Until morning comes!" She shouted then threw the temeri back at us.

The temeri went around the room again hit Yushiro's cheek while protecting me and mother.

We watched Tanjiro slicing the temari in half and dodged them. The temeri hit all three of us in different spots. It stings but doesn't hurt. "Miss Tamayo! Y/n! Yushiro!" Tanjiro shouted.

"We'll be healed soon enough! So don't worry!" She shouted. "Hey! Moron demon hunter" Yushiro shouted.

'Wow already calling him names.' I thought as I held onto my wounded arm and looked at the flying arrows.

"If you look at the arrows, you can tell which direction they're going! Dodge the arrows!" He added. "Arrows?" Tanjiro look confused.

"Seriously, you can't even see them?" Yushiro irritatingly said.

"I'm going to lend you my sense of sight! That should at least enable you to behead that temari woman!" He said while holding a piece of paper. It flew onto Tanjiro's forehead.

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