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Badi'atu sat in the living room with a middle aged woman who happened to be her mom, Her daughter Fatima was on the floor playing games on her iPad.
"I'm glad you got the job" her mom said sounding a bit excited.
"I'm also very happy I got the job All thanks to the Almighty".she paused recalling all that transpired at the office. "At first I thought wasn't getting the job because my boss kept staring and I thought you dressing was off" .
"Yes all thanks to the the way, is your boss an old man? "Her mom asked
"Mom he's not even a man yet, he's just a young guy, he should be around twenty-three to twenty-five years old "Badi'atu replied. "That's a huge success for a young guy Like him"Her mom said.
"Yes masha Allah" she replied, her mom smiled and then said"When are you bringing Fatima for a visit, I miss my our weekends together". Badi'atu smiled "Mom not now, She has islamiyya classes during weekends and I don't want her to miss any of her classes.
Don't worry tho, she'll be done with exams in less than 2 months, then she'll spend the whole holiday with you insha Allah".

Badi'atu's mom stood up and carried Fatima. She placed her on her laps while Badi'atu watched them. There was a knock at the door and She stood up to go check who it was.After a while, she walked in with a lady who happened to be her best friend Mariyah, a makeup artist.she greeted Badi'atu's mom, and spread her hands at Fatima asking for a hug then picked her and sat beside her best friend.

After a little while, Badi'atu's mom took Fatima and excused them.
"so how was your interview today? "Mariyah started.
"well it was great, I'm starting my work on Monday "Badi'atu replied
"Oh lord! I'm so happy for you girlfriend, I knew you were going to be employed, so tell me about your boss, is he a hot dude or an old man?" Mariyah asked smiling .
"He's not even a man, he's just a young guy"Badiatu replied, already knowing what'll happen next "Oh my God! fresh blood, please tell me more about him"Mariyah beamed, excitement written all over her face.
I knew it! Badi'atu mentally said "Mariyah you've started again with this your drama koh?"
"See leave me alone, what's my offence? just tell me about him, I've heard about Glamour enterprises before so Please tell me more about the CEO". Mariyah pleaded.
"I don't know anything about him yet, if you're so curious about knowing him then kindly go online and type Glamour enterprises, I'm sure the first thing you'll see is his picture and biography "Badi'atu replied.
"Oh really"Mariyah smiled picking up her phone and started typing. She screamed out loud when she saw Muhammad's pictures scaring Badi'atu.
" Mariyah why are you behaving like this? "
"Oh my God! This guy is a bomb, I'm dying right now, what the hell! Look at that black dot, am I really in this world? " Mariyah kept on scrolling down while Badi'atu rolled her eyes
"I swear Badi'atu he's only twenty-four years old, he graduated at the age of twenty. Is this guy an alien or what? Oh my God! a net worth of two billion dollars, Badi'atu kill me, just shoot me please".
Badi'atu's mouth was wide open at how her friend went crazy over Muhammad's pictures"Believe me this guy is hot "Mariyah added "and so?"Badi'atu finally asked.
"Seduce him" Mariyah said with a mischievous smirk plastered on her face"What?! "Badi'atu asked with surprise laced in her tone"I said seduce him"Mariyah repeated "Mariyah are you sure you are not sick? seduce who? my boss? Besides even if he isn't my boss do you think he's my taste? "Badi'atu reasoned. Mariyah laughed and said"Look who is talking, who is not your taste? Look at yourself Badi'atu, can you listen to yourself? my friend look at me, this guy we're talking about is worth your standard, this type of guys are always good in taking care of ladies, they know how to treat a lady like you more better, they are far better than some old guys, his age should have anything to do with this if that's what you're thinking. His standards are high, believe me a lady who has the chance to get his attention should count herself as the luckiest lady in the world, goodness I wish I was the one starting this work on Monday. Badi'atu wake up"she finished.
Badi'atu stood up and said"Mariyah I cooked spaghetti, do you want me to serve you now?"
"Ma'am I'm not hungry again, kindly sit down so we can talk about this young billionaire who controls four companies at a time, God where was I before, Why are you pushing away this kind of glory from your daughter? Badi'atu wake up please".
"Look Mariyah I don't know if you are joking or not, but I want you to know that if you are having any thoughts of something happening between I and this guy, then you're crazy and I need you to stop all this because nothing is going to happen between us, Just work! Mariyah I'm not only four years older than him, I'm having a two years old daughter. Wait you think that kind of guy will fall for me? Hell No!..."

Muhammad arrived at his apartment and went straight to the room,he laid down on the bed facing the ceiling as Jasper helped him with his shoes while Abdul dropped the files in his hand on the table and said "Boss Mr Jude (Muhammad's friend who is an Army officer ) and Mr Mangal (also a friend of his who was a car dealer) want to visit you tomorrow at the office".
" Message them back and tell them to visit the day after tomorrow at our usual place, Because I have some work I need to complete at the office tomorrow so I'll definitely be busy, I'll be expecting them by 4pm, and please call the doctor and ask him to come check up on me tonight please" Muhammad said.
"Ok sir I will do that right away, also Zainab said she wants to see you".
Muhammad closed his face with his palm whispering a 'ya Salam'..."I don't want to see that girl, my mum's the one sending her and she might just decide to grace me with her presence please Incase she comes tomorrow, Jasper please make sure she doesn't come into my office, no matter what"
"Ok sir" Jasper responded immediately, Muhammad's phone started ringing in Abdul's hand.
"It's your mum Boss"
Muhammad sat up on the bed, he stared at Abdul and said "Abdul I'm here to rest, I am here because I want to avoid their problems, you know what's going to happen if I pick that call, it'll just be like I'm trying to create more problems for myself if I pick that call...The fact that I promised my Dad to take care of them before he died dosen't mean I should put all their problems and wahala on my they're half of all my problems and I've done my best to take care of them. What else do I do again? Don't I also deserve some attention?, Please Abdul switch that phone I don't want to talk to anyone.


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hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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