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Muhammad sat in his balcony gazing at the sky, he couldn't get his mind off what happened earlier...

"Oh my God I'm so sorry" He said while she  quickly picked up robe to covered her body, He turned his back to her, "I am really sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen, I was searching all over for you and I called your number but the phone rang in the living room,and I was worried, I'm really sorry" He said all in one go with his eyes closed and then quickly dashed to the door without looking back.

   He was still in a reverie when Badi'atu came out, he wasn't aware of her presence until she sat down. "I am really sorry about what happened earlier" He apologized again.
"It's okay, you don't need to apologize, it was a mistake after all" She assured him.

"I searched for you and I couldn't find you, so I thought maybe something happened to you" it warmed Badi'atu's heart to see her boss concerned about her this way.
"Honestly it's okay, you don't need to apologize, Sorry I made you worried" He didn't reply.
"hope there's no problem" She asked.
"Oh" he said feeling slightly embarrassed " I just can't help it whenever you do that" He said smiling.

"what are you talking about?" She asked.
"No I'm not going to tell you that, not now though" He said.
"Well if you don't tell me then how will i stop doing it?"She asked  smilling again.
"Actually you just did it again" He said to her 
"Seriously? Just say it ... " She whined in a cute way.
"I ordered some greek yogurt and oatmeal for breakfast, hope you like that" he asked to her.

"Oh I'm so good at that, you should have let me prepare it" She said.
"So you're a good cook huh?" He asked
"Of course my mum is a cook, so I learned some dishes from her when I was young" She said,
"So that means you'll be making breakfast for me everyday when we get back home" He said.
"You want me to start bringing you breakfast?" She asked smiling
"Well I don't mind" He replied also smiling.
"It is settled then" She said timidly.

     Not too long after their food came with a bottle of wine "you ordered this too?"She asked signalling to the bottle of wine in her hand before pouring herself a cup."
"No, I didn't!" He said surprised because he didn't order the wine.
She shook her head sideways as she gulped down her wine and poured herself another cup. Muhammad looked at her but didn't say a word.
"It tastes so great doesn't it?" She turned to Muhammad.
"Well I don't know considering you've been holding the bottle and I don't drink...I didn't know you drink." .
"Oh ha! hehe!" she laughed loudly as she looked down at the bottle in her hand.

"You're drunk, common let's go inside" Muhammad said as he took his hand out to grab the bottle but she quickly stepped back .

"It feels so great drinking this much again, please don't try to stop me" She headed for the door.
"Again? What do you mean? " Muhammad asked a little disappointed that this is not her first time drinking.
"The last time I got drunk was the day my husband left me.I don't usually drink I promise"
"What ?" This was new to him, she has never talked about her marriage. He felt like he was taking advantage of the fact that she was drunk but he really wanted to know more about her past so he  decided to ask as much as he could.

"Faruk! That's his name...we've been together since college. I loved him so much so I presented him to my mother even before we graduated, and she liked him too. After we graduated he would always come to our house to see me and my mom. A year later we decided to get married. I was very happy that I was going to marry the love of my life, but at the same time I was very nervous though I couldn't care less. We didn't have any marriage ceremonies because he said he was traveling abroad for a business deal a few days after the wedding. We had a simple wedding with only family members and close friends. He promised that after he came back we would have a grand wedding. The third day into our marriage, Faruk disappeared. He wasn't in the house when I woke up, I looked everywhere in the house for him, when I saw no sign of him I decided to look outside. I asked the security if he had seen him and he told me that Faruk didn't come back home since he went to mosque that morning. I tried calling him multiple times but his phone was switched off. I called his family even but they said he didn't go there. I went back into the house and took my car keys and headed back out without even locking the house. I drove out of the house with no idea where I was going. I didn't realise I was already on the main road until I heard someone scream. I saw a woman in front of my car looking terrified when I looked up and so to avoid hitting her I turned the wheel to my side and I ended up in an accident. All I could remember was the noise of people around me before everything went blank."

"Badi'atu, please wake up, I understand  what you're going through, but you don't have to do this to me, you are all I've got, at least if not me then think about your baby. I want you to believe that you and Faruk were not meant to be, he is not yours, I get what you feel right now, but please don't do this, you need to be strong for what your baby."  Badi'atu heard the faint voice which belonged to her mom pleading.

Badi'atu was furiously crying and Mohammad looked like he was about to do the same.

"The next time I opened my eyes I realized I was at the hospital, I was disappointed that I woke up, I really wanted to end it, and the fact that I heard my mom say that I pregnant didn't help matters. I was pregnant for Faruk, after what he did to me.
After I recovered I decided to continue searching for him, I was three months pregnant then, I must have been badly injured during the accident. I searched for him day and night, I went to all the places I thought of  but I couldn't find him. After I'd almost given up, Mariya found out that the man I thought was my husband was actually a married man with two kids. At first I didn't want to believe her but then I knew she would never give me false information especially on something of such importance. I was shocked and wanted life to end, how could I have been so stupid not to have found out, he used me and left. He had a wife and two children.
After months of struggles and heartbreak, I gave up on him. He came to see his daughter after I gave birth, but my mum refused him. His wife later found out about me,I dunno how but she also discovered my place of work and would always come to my office and yell at me, insinuating that I tried to snatch her husband."

"I know you are gold-digger, but I want you to know that my husband is not for you, you are playing with fire, stay away from him, I know he's the one coming to you but I don't care, I am warning you, stay as far away as you possibly can from my husband,if  I find out that you are still seeing my husband, I will rip you apart, I promise." Faruk's wife screamed on top of her voice and those who were passing by the street watched how she yelled. Badi'atu ran back into the building out of embarrassment. Immediately she got to her office she locked the door and she slumped down against it and started sobbed hard"

"I  couldn't take the embarrassment anymore, because I became the topic of discussion in every building on that street,I left my house and resigned from work, that was when I got free from him and his wife,I put all my trust in him, I rested everything on him,I sincerely trusted him, but he broke my heart,i got into depression and had to go for therapy for five months,I wished I never met him." She cried furiously.
Muhammad didn't know what to do so he moved closer to her and hugged her, he didn't realize he was crying until he felt tears in his cheeks.

A lot of flashbacks in this chapter yeah?
Well now we know what happened and how Badi'atu is a single mother.

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