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Badi'atu arrived at work the next day as early as she could .She wore a red long skirt , white tank top with a black Blazer, black high heels with a Golden necklace and earrings, she had on on a golden wristwatch.

she sat down preparing her files when a call came through. it was from one of the other companies she went to with Abdul the other day,she was called to come get the files they submitted so she packed her stuff and dashed out of the office immediately....

Muhammad's car arrived at a very quiet garden in town, it was Jasper who drove, both him and Jasper came out of the car walking into the garden.Muhammad had on a casual wear, just a black hoodie with a black face cap and black shorts and a pair of slipper.They we're there to meet Muhammad's best friends Jude and Mangal who were already waiting for him, after Muhammad exchanged greetings with his friends and asked Jasper to excuse  them.

They called on the waiters to take their orders and only ordered roasted beef, a few drinks.
"So how is business Mangal" Jude who was an army officer asked.
"Everything is going smoothly Jude, and you Muhammad, how's work, i'm sure it's really not going to be easy to control four companies at a time" Mangal said.
"Do I have a choice, my sisters are still in school, and I'm the only son, besides they are not ready to work, all they're after is the money, I'm the only one doing everything, infact I'm leaving the country very early tomorrow morning" Muhammad said.
"Lemme guess...to the US right?" Jude asked. "Exactly Bro" Muhammad replied. "So how is your mum, are there changes yet or not" Mangal asked.
"Mum is not going to change, infact she is getting worse, the worst part of it is that she is forcing Zainab on me".
"Wait are you guys still on that, you mean your mum still wants you to marry Zainab?" Jude asked.
"I'm telling you bro, she created a scene in my office yesterday, just cause I refused to see her,she almost destroyed my car" Muhammad replied.
"This is becoming serious, is it by force?" Mangal asked rhetorically
"Honestly i have never liked that girl from the beginning" Jude said.
"Guys let's stop talking about this , we are here to focus on ourselves" Muhammad said.
"It's ok...sha since you are not ready for Zainab...when are you going to get married? " Mangal asked.
"Is that a question directed to me?" Muhammad asked. "who do you think I'm asking, Of course the question is for you" Mangal said "You must be Joking, why must I be the first to get married among us, what about you, are you guys kidding me? last time I checked you're all older than me, so why should I get married first? "Muhammad said smiling.
"Mooh you know you are the boss here" Jude said.
"What do you mean Boss?" Muhammad asked. "You know you have the capacity to marry as many as you want, the money is on ground" Jude said jokingly. "And you? " Muhammad asked smilling. "I'm still a beginner" Jude replied . "Look at who's calling himself a beginner, eight girlfriends, Uncountable side chicks, my friend what are you saying ?" Muhammad said glaring at Jude. "The more ranks you get the more your girlfriends and side chicks you get" Muhammad added relaxing his shoulders . "Wait a minute Muhammad, my ranks don't have anything to do with them" Jude said "And also I hardly search for them, they come to me themselves, do you except me to chase them away, women are the best gift" Jude concluded.

Mangal was busy eating his beef, smiling and watching how they kept on arguing, he poured himself some Smoothie and said "But to be candid, Muhammad is the king of all ladies here, don't get me wrong Muhammad , I know you are not a pervert like Jude,but the fact that you have chased tons of ladies away and yet they keep returning over and over again makes you the boss here" Mangal said and Jude burst out laughing.
Muhammad smiled saying "Don't worry when I fall in love one day, I'm going to put a stop to everything"...

Badi'atu's car arrived at Muhammad'a flat. She came out of the car and was led in by a guard.
She was told to sit and wait for Abdul. After some few minutes, Abdul came out in a shirt and trouser with Crocs on, they exchanged greetings and she gave him the files while they both sat down to arrange them.
after an hour of sorting the files she stood up to leave but Abdul stopped her "eat something before you leave please" .
"No don't bother please, I'm good. besides I took my lunch before coming out " Badi'atu replied.
"That was in the afternoon, This is 6pm,just go to the kitchen and eat something please" Abdul said. " Believe me I am perfectly ok, Don't worry about me"She said hoping he'd just let her leave because she was so tired.
"Alright no problem, I'll see you off then".
''Thank you very much Sir" She replied as they both walked out of the living room.
Getting to the compound, Muhammad's car drove in while a guard quickly ran to open the door for him, he stepped out of the car walking up to where both Badi'atu and Abdul were standing.
"She brought the files already and we have arranged them" Abdul said.
"Thank you"He said.
"You are welcome sir" Badi'atu replied with a smile on her face. Muhammad couldn't help but to stare at her, while Badi'atu looked at Abdul trying to fathom is there's any problem, Muhammad who was lost in a trance looked at Abdul after he snapped his fingers and apologised "I'm sorry about that, I was ..." He found her smiling again and paused till her smile faded away.
"Uhmmm... I won't be coming to the office tomorrow, I'll be traveling and I'm going to spend only two days over there, I want you to take care of things till we're back because I'm going with Jasper and Abdul, you'll be left alone, but I want you to know that after this trip, you and I will start going for other trips together, I hope you get me"He asked.
"Of course I do sir" She replied.
"Thank you for today, It's really getting late, and it seems the weather is telling us it'll rain very soon, you should get going" He said. "Alright Sir, Thank you very much" she smiled. Muhammad who wanted to reply her stopped when she smiled again which Abdul noticed this time.

Muhammad stood where he was watching as she drove out of the compound. Abdul moved closer to him asked. "Boss...do you like Her?" "Why are you asking Abdul?
"I dunno...I mean I've noticed that there's always something different in you every time you look at her, sometimes you just remain silent and stare. And I'm sure she's also noticed it. Or is there a problem with her work? maybe I can talk to her about it".
Muhammad looked at him, then smirked and said "Abdul I like her work, and I love everything about her, I just don't know what happens to me ever time I see that expression on her face,the way she smiles...I always find myself speechless and lost in thoughts, I really can't say because I don't understand it and I don't know why, all I know is that when she smiles, I become speechless....

We should really talk to Badi'atu. She needs to stop smiling all the time because it distracts our poor Muhammad. Right?! 😂

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