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It's been two days since Muhammad left the country. Badi'atu was busy arranging her files when a call from Abdul came in "Hello sir". Good afternoon Mrs Badi'atu, just wanted to inform you that we are back" Abdul replied.
"Oh that's great sir, we should be expecting you tomorrow right?" She asked. "Definitely Ma'am" Abdul replied. "Hope there is no problem" He asked. "Of course there not sir" She replied. "Alright we'll see in office tomorrow then" He said.
"Ok,bye Sir" She said and ended the call.

Muhammad's cars drove into his house,the door was opened for him while he stepped out in a wine suit, he walked in and met his mum and Zainab's mum in the living room discussing, he greeted them and was about to head up to his room when his mum called him.Abdul and Jasper walked out to give them privacy . 
Muhammad sat down facing the two women while his mum said. "It's good that you are here, because we were discussing about you and Zainab" His mum Said. "Sorry mum,what kind of discussion is that? " He asked. "Actually we are discussing about your wedding process" His mum said. "Wait a minute mum,what wedding,With who?" He asked. "Your wedding with Zainab of course, we are discussing about it right  now and we need to do the Introduction as soon as possible"His mum said.
"Look at me Muhammad, after I leave here now, I'm going to talk to some of the elders in our family, we want to choose a date for the Introduction" Zainab's mum added.
"I don't understand what you're talking about, last time I checked, I and Zainab are not in a relationship, I don't love her, and have never proposed to her, so what kind of introduction are you doing? " He said.
"Muhammad if you are joking please let it be a joke, what's the meaning of all this, do you want to disgrace me or what?" His mum asked. "Look at me Mum, I'm not disgracing you here, you are the one doing this to yourself, how can you tell me to get married to a lady I barely know, I don't even have any feelings for her, what kind of marriage is that? Ma'am" he said facing Zainab's mom "I'm sorry to disappoint you this way.I don't love your daughter and my mum is the one forcing her on me, believe me if I get married to your daughter we are going to have lots of problems, so with all due respect Ma'am, please tell your daughter to stay away from me"He said and walked away immediately.
His mum kept shouting his name but he ignored all her her yelling, he walked into his room angrily, shutting the door so hard, he removed his jacket angrily.
His mum barged in a few seconds later also shutting the door so hard , she shouted at him saying "Muhammad why would you disgrace me that way, how could you walk out on me in the presence of my friend,  what kind of son are you? what the hell is wrong with you? what is wrong with Zainab? why can't you get married to her? Weather or not you like it you'll marry her... I'm telling you now it's either Zainab or nobody else, get that!?" She said all at once without even pausing to catch her breath anger evident in her tone.
Muhammad faced his mum and raised his voice in a way that said 'I can scream too'
"Mum I Said I don't love her, do you have to force her on me? what exactly is it?  I'm just coming back from the US, I didn't go there to rest but to work, and now I'm back home to rest and here you are giving me problems , what exactly do you want me to do?"
She gave him a deadly glare saying "I truly don't care about all those stuffs, just get married to Zainab" .
"And i said I can't, is it by force? why can't you just respect my wish for once? why are you like this? I'm not getting married to her and that's it"
" Muhammad you must be out of your mind, I am going to call Zainab's mum back, and I am going to tell her to start preparing for the introduction, weather you like it or not" She said.
Muhammad opened his mouth to talk back to his mum when he felt a sharp pain on his chest, he held his chest while and went down on his knees. His mum quickly ran to him, both Jasper and Abdul ran in when they heard his mom screaming his name,he was unable to speak as he groaned out in pain, Jasper lifted him up while they rushed him to the hospital immediately...


Muhammad sat alone in his office,Both Abdul and Badi'atu weren't with him, he rested his head on his chair lost in a trance of what his Doctor told him...

Muhammad was on the hospital bed, he sat down resting his back on a pillow, his doctor stood beside him talking to him gently, He said. "Muhammad your health is getting more critical, besides why are you taking overdose? " He asked. "I really don't overdose the drugs but I always have the pains, and anytime I feel it, I use those drugs" Muhammad replied in a weak tone."But still you don't have to use the medicines always, it's too risky for you, do you know that sometimes you don't need these medicines, there are some things you can do that will help you a bit" The doctor said."And what do you think I can do? "Muhammad asked. "This is your work, they are your companies,you are the head, I will advise you to take some holidays, maybe two to three days, go on a trip to another country, atleast to have some fresh air, to be free from stress,to forget some of your problems, believe me Muhammad, it will help you a bit, try to do that and let me know how you feel, it's not everytime you work, and you can't keep on using the drugs. when it gets too much believe me it will affect you, use this opportunity to get some fresh air and calm moments, honestly please...

    Muhammad shaked his head when a call came in for him, it was a call from his friend Jude, He picked it up. "Hi Jude" He said. "Hello can you hear me, Hello?" The network was a bit poor so stood up and moved closer to his window "Can you hear me now? " He asked. "Yeah Dude i can hear you now" Jude replied. "I hope there is no's odd for me to receive your call this morning,aren't you supposed to be at work?" Muhammad asked smiling.
"Actually Mangal's birthday is coming up,what do you think we should do for him,we have to plan something out for him" Jude said. " Oh yes, so what do you think we can do for him?" Muhammad asked. "I think we should just arrange our tickets and leave the country to have some 'us time' ,our last meeting was very short,I want us to travel to a quiet place...just us, no ladies, no distractions".
" Muhammad couldn't help but to smile and said "I'm so done with you, who was asking you to bring along ladies before, anyways let's do that,I will pay for our tickets" Muhammad said. "And I will pay for all of our expenses over there" Jude replied. "Sounds cool then,when I'm ready to book the tickets I will let you know" Muhammad said. "Alright guy, no problem, talk to you later" Jude said.

After he was done, he looked outside the company and found Badi'atu and a female worker discussing, he was about to turn back to his seat when he saw a smile on Badi'atu's face which made him to freeze in the position he was, her smile got a bit wider and her dimples came out. Muhammad couldn't help but to stamd there and admire her beautiful smile, without thinking he muttered "Mesmerizing".


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