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The next morning, Badi'atu was trying her possible best not to make eye contact with Muhammad as they went down to eat, but he couldn't stop looking at her. She faced the window, trying not to look at him.

"Are you still ignoring me? Was it about what happened last night? Can you please look at me?"  He spoke to her in a calm voice.
She ignored him as a waitress came to ask for what they needed.

He placed his order atomically before the lady asked Badi'atu what she would have. For fear of making eye contact with Muhammad, Badi'atu stayed still and without facing the woman she replied
"Thanks for asking but I am not hungry."
The response from Badi'atu had the waitress a bit baffled but she courtesied politely and proceeded to get Muhammad's order.

As she turned to leave, Muhammad called her back and placed the order on Badi'atu's behalf. Unfortunately, the act of kindness wasn't a valid enough reason for Badi'atu to look at him.
Soon, they were served and Muhammad collected Badi'atu's food, placing it in front of her gently. He opened each covered plate for her and put the spoon beside them on the coaster, staring at her in hopes of seeing her eat something.
Knowing he wasn't going to stop gawking until she took a bite of food, Badi'atu picked her spoon to eat, making Muhammad smirk victoriously. 

"You can take two days rest when we get back home" He said to lighten the mood but Badi'atu ignored him, eating her food silently
"When are you going to talk to me?" He asked again but still she remained silent, delicately cutting up the vegetables in her plate.

In the plane , Badi'atu who was facing the window had fallen asleep. Her sleeping position looked gravely uncomfortable. As a gentleman hoping to prevent further discomfort when she woke,he gently put her head on his shoulder,craning his neck to look at her beauty with a smile.

Jasper and Abdul were already waiting for them when they arrived and Muhammad instructed Jasper to drop her at home while Abdul collected her luggage from him, putting them in the trunk of the car. Without a word to him, Badi'atu entered the car while he called to Jasper.
"Drive gently" He said, touching his shoulder.
"I will sir" was Jasper's immediate response. As promised, he drove her at a moderate speed, paying close attention to the road.

"Boss, is everything okay?" Abdul asked when Muhammad called for his car.He smiled and shook his head negatively.
"Forget it's nothing to worry about. " He assured Abdul and himself.

They both walked towards the car and Abdul opened the door for him to enter, immediately jogging round to the take his seat.
They arrived in less than an hour.
Getting to the living room, he met his mum and another woman with smiles plastered on their faces.

"That's the husband" His mum said proudly.
"Oh, what a handsome groom! We were just discussing on what kind of clothes to choose for both you and your bride" The woman informed him as he walked up to them.

"What are you talking about?" He asked in a low threatening voice.
"Your Introduction of course. It is in few days, isn't it?" The woman said chirpily as he looked at his mum who was smiling.

"Mum are you still on this?" He asked stiffly.
"I don't understand you. What are you talking about?" His mum asked like she didn't know what he was talking about. Muhammad breathed out slowly, still trying to control his anger.
"Look at me ma'am. I am not ready for any Introduction. My mother here is only imagining things and I don't care about her imaginations. She is only wishing and it's good a good thing...for her tho but listen to me, kindly pack your stuff and leave because she is not buying anything"  He said facing the woman.

"Muhammad!" His Mum called his name out loud.
"Enough mum!" He shouted back. Abdul and the woman were shocked, letting their mouths hang open as they heard Muhammad yell at his mother. Abdul quickly ran towards him to stop him from raising his voice again, considering his health condition. On seeing Muhammad's anger, the woman quickly packed her things and ran out of the living room.

"Did you just embarrass me again Muhammad? Me yasa baka da kunya?!" His mum shouted, angry as she spoke in her dialect.
"will embarrass you repeatedly until you get me. I will do it a million more times if it means you will finally care for my feelings" He shouted louder than his mom.
"Abdul, give me the car key." Abdul was hesitant at first as he didn't want Muhammad to drive in his state.
"I said give me the key!" He thundered before Abdul reluctantly gave the key to him.

Muhammad went out of the living room angrily. Jasper drove in on cue, pleasing him a bit. He waited till Jasper came down from the car and watched as he walked towards him.
"I've dropped her sir" Jasper said.
"Is she okay?" Muhammad asked
"I think so sir, But... Where are you going?" Jasper asked while Abdul ran towards them.
"I need to get to somewhere" but Jasper quickly stopped him.
"I will go with you sir, it's risky to drive alone in your condition" He said and Muhammad shut his eyes tightly.
"Jasper, Out of my sight"
Jasper quickly looked at Abdul, who gave him a sign not to relent.
"Sir, I will drive you!" Jasper pleaded with glistening eyes. had no choice but to give him the car key and sit in the back seat as Jasper smiled victoriously while entering the car and drove him out of the compound.


At Zainab's house, she was in the living room discussing with her mum. She looked so happy; one would think she had been awarded a Nobel prize.
Muhammad walked in with Jasper. Zainab was surprised to see him and quickly ran up to him but the moment she touched him, he spanked her hand away and walked up to her mum. He sat down facing her.
"It seems our last discussion wasn't enough. It seems you want problems for your daughter. I am not here to insult, but as a mother I expect you to find the best source of happiness for your daughter. I told you that if I and your daughter end up together, we are going to have problems. I told you already that I am not in love with your daughter. If you want the best for your daughter, tell her to stay away from me. Tell my mum to cancel the introduction because am not going to appear that day. If you want to bet, I'm in for it. Let's see if your daughter and you won't be disgraced that day. This is where I draw the line. If you cross that line, you will regret it. If I seem rude, I'm Sorry Ma'am" He said curtly and walked out of the living room immediately. Zainab wanted to follow him but her mum stopped her.

"If you move an inch, I will disown you. I think it's time to go back to Canada" Her mum said while Zainab burst into tears, begging her mum. The older woman ignored her pleading and went straight to her room, leaving Zainab in the living room crying bitterly.
"Jasper"Muhammad called on their way back home.
"Yes, sir?" He answered.
"Do you think I said too much?" He asked, feeling guilty now.
"Sir, I really don't think so since you've warned her mum before. Besides, she can see that you can't take it anymore. It's normal to speak out of anger but you contained yourself nonetheless. I think you didn't say too much sir" Jasper explained.
"Is that what you think, Jasper?" He asked to confirm.
"Yes Sir" Jasper replied.

The next day at the office,Muhammad kept staring at Badi'atu but she ignored him. Since she was not ready to talk to him, he stood up from his seat and walked up to her, sitting down on her table,causing her to raise her head in surprise. He closed her laptop, smiling coyly.
"I'm working" She said curtly.
"I don't care" He shrugged, expecting a reply but she only huffed and looked away.
"Come on! When are you going to talk to me again?" He asked playfully.
"You want me to talk?" She asked with a frown.
"Yeah, speak up. Feel free" He replied, smiling more.
"Why did you kiss me?" She asked.
"Was that supposed to be a question?" He asked to change the subject.
"Oh, so you think I shouldn't ask you? I have the right to, for your information. Besides, you didn't even apologize for doing it and it was very wrong. That is what I've been waiting for. An apology" She said while he just laughed.
"You want me to apologize for kissing you?"
"Yes" She answered him with a serious tone.
"You must be kidding me! I won't apologize for kissing you. I have my reasons, you know" He explained.
"Care to share those reasons?" She asked, still rigid as before.
"Really? You want to know why I kissed you?'' He asked, prolonging the conversation.
"Yes, I want to know" She replied in the same position she had been.
he moved closer to her and drew her to himself .Her eyes almost popped out at the embrace as she wiggled to get out of his hold but didn't even move an inch,he was stronger than she expected. She finally gave up after some time.
Okayyy people!

Five Chapters to apologise loves.❤️

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