Act 3

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It's the beginning of summer before Senior year starts

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It's the beginning of summer before Senior year starts. There is new romances blossoming especially between Sophia and Josie who are both finally accepting their feelings for each other.

But they are taking things slow.. and keeping it private they both know the past year has been a lot so they don't want to rush into anything. 

They want to explore what they feel for each other on their own just them two. They both found something beautiful about it like they're in their own world, just them.

Eventually they will let their friends know but for now they wanna cherish what they have before they share it to the world.

Also Ethan starts doubting Hope's feelings when during the summer she bumps into Luka and things take a small turn.

Luka has always been a bad boy to her, but she knows he has layers.

She wants to understand why Sophia sees him as a friend if there is some good to him.

Also when her cousin comes into town and flirts up with Sophia how will Josie react?

Veronica and Mg are happier than ever everyday getting closer and closer feeling things they've never felt before.

Mg always felt like the second choice to Lizzie but with Veronica he finally feels like enough.

Lizzie is going through her healing era cutting boys off but it is the summer and with summer come romances.

She meets a new guy named Sebastian and no it's not the Sebastian Sophia hooked up with at the beginning it's another new guy and Lizzie is intrigued.

It's Senior year, with Secret Romances, and more Surprises from the past.

 Back To You •  Sophia Mikaelson • Josie Saltzman Where stories live. Discover now