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Dumbledore: Yo wassup my peeps?😝

Dumbledore: Did my previous message live up to "slang" expectations?🤔

Hermione: Technically, if we are talking in terms of literary correctness, "slang" is a metaphorical object, and therefore inanimate...

Harry: Wow Headmaster, you are making great progress!😏

Dumbledore: Thank you Harry!

Dumbledore: I have decided to move one step further in my quest for "coolness"...

Dumbledore: I want a nickname!

Draco: How about old bat?😁

Dumbledore: Dude!

McGonagall: Or Tumbledore!

Dumbledore: Bruh!

Fred: Wow Headmaster, you really are getting the hang of this!

George: But we all know that Harry has been giving you private lessons...

Dumbledore: H-man, you sweared that we was not speaking of it!😲

Harry: We agreed that you weren't going to call me H-man in public!😑

Hermione: Professor, you do realise that using "slang" terms, is not an excuse for imperfect grammar!😑

Dumbledore: Cool bruv!

Hermione: Ok Professor, I have already clarified this with Harry and Ron, but I do not appreciate being called "bruv", due to the fact that I AM A WOMAN, which Ronald fails to recognise!

Ron: Chill bro, and eat some chicken😁🍗

Hermione: *tries not to explode*

Dumbledore: I have a question which I could ask now, or I could save it for our private lesson later Harry😊

Harry: 😶

Ginny: Ask us now, Professor!

Hermione: Yes, I'm intrigued to see what sort of questions you ask Harry😂

Dumbledore: What is the meaning of: "I skived class yesterday so I pulled an all-nighter #YOLD"?

Ron: *eats chicken*

Ginny: Do you mean YOLO?

Dumbledore: No, it is YOLD for shizzle!

Draco: Ok, now you're just trying too hard😑

Dumbledore: Ah yes, quite the opposite of you then, who evidently has not made any effort at all in terms of your face!

Dumbledore: #YOLD

Harry: Headmaster, I'm pretty sure it's YOLO...

Dumbledore: Really?

Dumbledore: Doesn't it stand for: " You obviously love Dumbledore"?

Ginny: 😂😂

Harry: No Headmaster, it doesn't😑

Dumbledore: I see. Does it stand for: "You're obviously lacking oranges" then?

Harry: Nope

Dumbledore: Hmm, this is quite puzzling🤨

Dumbledore: I mean, this is top-shelf brain exploding stuff man, am I right?

McGonagall: Oh Albus, even I know that YOLO stands for: "You obviously lack originality"!

Dumbledore: Does not!

McGonagall: Does too!

Dumbledore: Does not!

McGonagall: Does too!

Dumbledore: Does not!

McGonagall: Ok, are we seriously doing this again?

Dumbledore: Well you started it!

McGonagall: Did not!

Dumbledore: Did too!

Hermione: Calm down, Professors. In actual fact, neither of you are correct!

Ron: Yeah, it stands for: "You obviously love chicken"!😁

Harry: What?

Ginny: Bro, there isn't even a C in YOLO!

Ron: Well that's dumb!

Ron: And offensive to chicken!🍗🍗

Draco: *rolls eyes*

Dumbledore: Keep rolling your eyes, you might find a brain back there!

Draco: HEY!

A/N: Hi there, I have enjoyed my break from writing, but I am back now with another chapter! I know I didn't answer the question of Dumbledore's nickname which was mentioned in this chapter, but I want to hear your ideas! So, what "cool" nickname should Dumbledore have?

Thank you for being patient and waiting for this chapter... I know that it wasn't up to usual standards, but I hope you at least smiled at it anyway!

I am aiming to get to 25k reads on this book if that's possible... what should I do if I reach that? Any suggestions?

Shout outs go to:





For all of your support on this story!

Lots of love


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